Chapter nineteen

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I was panting exhaustion filled my muscles every movement burned like a thousand suns Burning into my veins. I had worked all saturday and well into sunday morning with Zera. I was still barely standing as Zane let me lean against him.

“Hey sam would you like to go grab an Ice cream with me?” he asked sweetly.

I nodded food was what my body wanted so much to refill those lost carbs! He had to let me lean against him most of the way there since my legs were completely jello by this time. I was afraid that once I stopped moving I wouldn't be physically able to stand back up. We went to a local ice cream place. He bought me something to eat and nothing for himself which made me wonder in a way. I scoffed it down in seconds receiving a brain freeze. I banged my head against the table as he was laughing with me in away.

As the sun began to set he asked if he could walk me home. I gave him a shrug.

“ As long as your okay with possible a rifle in the face. What I mean is my father is really over protective an all.” I stuttered

He nodded in understandable way.

“ I think I can take it I've dodged bullets before I can do it again.” he smiled with a wink

making me giggle like a little girl.

“The question is can I move from this seat.” I laughed

“Well can you” he said like a detective

Making me laugh more, I pressed my weight into the table as I tried to heave my jello legs to support my weight. They were good for now I supposed.

“Looks like you can walk.” he smiled

he handed me my bag to get my cellphone out. I called my mom telling her I was walking home with Zane as my Escort, Mom laughed “And is this boy nice to you than all the others in the whole world?” she question kindly “Yeah mom, He's Zera's Twin brother, He's taller than dad but with hair!” I exclaimed laughter filling me. Mom was laughing to. I could hear my dad in the back ground growling for me to bring him over. Mom said “Your father wants to meet the lad and see if he meets his standards.” she smiled. “K mom see you soon” I ended the call.

“Well it looks like I get to meet your father I guess?” he raised a brow.

I smiled as he helped me walk towards my house. I tripped a few times trying to walk and he caught me every single time. I looked around for my house to appear through the large oak trees. My yellow house appeared. Buddy was already in the front yard my dad was sitting on the porch with his peed off scowl. Mom was sitting happily beside him working on crossword puzzle.

Zane leaned over and whispered.

“I've seen scarer but I think nothing can compare to that scowl of an angry papa bear when his only daughter brings home a boy for the first time.” he smiled

I blushed lightly on my cheeks laughing a little to calm down. As we reached the porch I sat on the swing Zane sat closer to where my Parents were in a chair that had already been provided and he didn't hold lovey dovey eyes with me I was just waiting and watching my father as my body ached.

“So, Boy are you thinking you can Take my Daughter out w/o my permission?” he asked coldly

“No sir, I Walked her over in order to ask you if I can Date your daughter.” he nodded

I blushed deep crimson and stuttered in my breathing when I looked up at my father I had no idea this was the reason he really took me out to eat ice cream or walk me back.

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