PART TWO (chapter eighteen) (warning may contain some foul language)

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part two will have different views of people other than just Zane and Zera, like Sam, Brandon, Tyler, etc. depending on who I feel like being on that day :p.


I could feel the changes over two months into my new training it was amazing that I could feel the burn everyday knowing that I was getting stronger the more pain I was enduring meant the stronger I was getting or at least thats what I was thinking!.

Everyday after I got my home work done I would run all the way over to Zera's to start Training my parents would make sure that I would get home before eight. I promised I would and I did. Despite the pain making me want to pass out in the middle of the street. I was wondering what my friends would think once I showed them how much stronger I was than the weak little girl I was before. I had silent tears as I inched into the cold shower. Soothing the strained muscles down. I would go to bed with nothing on and put on my school cloths the next. Swim had already ended which meant I had much more time for training. I could do over 15 push UPS! I was so proud of myself so VERY PROUD. And I was able to hold onto the pole at the park and pull myself up over TEN TIMES!. Zera said that I could stay over any weekend I was free which was every week end! So I would always head over around ten in the morning on saturday for a full day work out. She was even teaching me some Street fight moves. I was so happy every day I was getting better. My parents even came to watch me do a training session with Zera.

My father was so happy when I had made it passed just one and to make it to Fifteen he was beyond proud. And that I was able to do the pull ups to up to ten he was slapping me on the back after training. I winced but smiled a goofy smile. Zera was proud I guess the way she always expects me to be able to do one more than the day before. Lets me push myself to my very limits.

During school as I did my work I couldn't stop thinking about what I would be doing in training that night. Zera started sitting by me at lunch calling me her Student. And then pat me and saying what foods I should be eating for energy for training I would nod and eat at a steady pace. The boys were surprised by how much I could eat now. Much more than they ever seen me eat thats for sure even during swim season.

I Put away my tray as Brandon and Seb. walked over to talk to Zera.

“So, do you want to join our group for history again?” they questioned

“Sorry guys but I'm partnering up with Sam this time,” she smirked and grabbed me in a one arm squeeze.

I coughed and she let go saying she was sorry for squeezing the air out of me. I sat back down.

“Those boys are depending on me to much to get the work done for them or to snoop around my life I don't like it or will tolerate it at all.”

I opened a water sitting down.

“Ya know I used to have crushes on those two, but since Seb. started dating that girl those feelings disappeared and the same with Brandon.” I said with a shrug “Some thing in them changed them and I didn't like the way they treated everyone after it and so I refused to sit at there table since there girlfriends don't like me at all and still spread crap around I guess about me. I don't know I don't get caught up in Gossip all that much and like never want to either.” I sighed.

She nodded. “I like the way ya think on top of that determination of yours.” she laughed

Making me blush, “thanks” I stuttered.

The lunch bell rang and we all stood up going to the door. When Ceils girlfriend tripped me on the way out and sneered.

“Bitch stay away from my man don't want you ever to set one foot near him!” she hissed.

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