Chapter eleven

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Roxy came up walking like a slut as usual!,

“Well lookie here! If it isn't the Deadly Duo, why are you so far from your home turf? And why are you on my home turf?” she said pointing a finger towards me of coarse.

I rolled my eyes, “is your name on the ground I don't think so,” Tyler commented sharply.

“No one asked the toddler to speak.” she snapped.

I could tell by Tyler's face he was angry. I stood up and said.

“I suggest you stop trying to stirring stuff up,” I said coldly as I left the table for the library.

So this is what a school library looks like, its full of dust and brainless studiers or geeks in other words. I wonder if I might turn into a book one day, it have to be a human book. But if I'm going to live for ever I want to be like a book of Knowledge! Hey that reminds me I still need to make Dragon a girly name for punishment! Now now what should it be. It has to be something the exact opposite of what he is so, Sally?, Fluffy?, Leaf?, Snowflake?, Snowball?, Fluffy-chunk?, Fluffykins?(lol!), Smokey?(lol),etc. Oh what to name him I think I have the perfect choice but I will test if he already comes to it at home. (Fluffykins).

I laughed evilly. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned quickly around bumping into the Blonde. Who's roots were showing that his real hair color was a lot darker than the bleached color I was seeing. I raised a brow at him.

“I know your name is Zera and all but I never got to tell you mine or my friends.” he stuttered

I smiled, “ So, what are they?” I questioned kindly.

He pointed towards his friends as we got closer since lunch was almost over. He pointed to the buff guy of the group was Brandon and he had gray eyes and dyed black hair. The tall skinny boy with dyed orange hair was Ceil. The one that was just the average looking his hair was around his shoulders and black. His name was Tony. And then the blonde that I had been seeing around a LOT!, his name is Sebastien, but, he said to call him Seb.

I nodded my head doing the best to remember there names. Faces were my best suit names on the other hand took a minute to remember to utter the right one unless your always popping up in my life in different times then its kind of engraved. Example 'Roxy' the triplets 'Kyle', 'Katie', 'Kody', 'Lily', random animal Dragon thing that will forever to this day be called 'Fluffykins', etc.

A skinny girl around 15 or 16 walked up to me her name was Sam and she was known as the nicest person in the school. I wondered why she was coming over towards me. She was blushing but looked determined.

“Zera, I know that you don't know me but I have a favor to ask of you. See I'm weak and always will be if I don't find someone that will push me to get stronger or a good teacher to teach me the ways. I want to be able to defend myself if something goes wrong and all. And I was thinking that you could train me to be stronger and it would mean a great deal to me to.” she stuttered the end.

I smiled towards her and slammed a hand on one of her tiny shoulders.

“I will teach you the ways of the strong that is after I have a few weeks of school under my belt and I finished the school work I have so far. K. I am more than happy to take you as a student, but do know that I will be pushing you to improve to great lengths your body will refuse to move but you have to be the person to say no I will keep moving forward!” I smiled patting her on the back as we left for class together getting dates arranged.

~Time skip~

After school we were all gathering around the buses. Tyler, Zane, and I were confused on what bus we were supposed to ride so we gave up and started walking home which for now on will be force of habit!. We chatted quietly about the school day about the highlights of the table slinging through a wall incident which was going to have a serious talk with from either Josh or that other guy I still don't know the name of. I know his face down pat could pick that person out of a line up if I had to!.

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