Chapter thirty-three

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~Sam's POV~

In my dream this is what unfolded.

“I'm back,” I called through the old abandoned

I saw Zane glaring at me with his hands in his pockets. The second deployment was behind him. My unit was overjoyed of my coming home. With the second deployment. They all had smiles all but Zane. I ran up to them from the door. I hugged Zane first but he pushed me away rudely. I looked up to his cold face.

“Zane I have missed you and missed you the longing to be near you was so great I could feel my heart being ripped in half.” I cried

I tried to hug him again but he stepped back and left me there. Abandonment was cold, so cold, I wiped away the tears and hugged my unit and told them of my adventure. Gill and Goliath had entered by now. Tyler was standing beside me when I confronted Zane again.

“Whats up with you Zane, what happened when I was gone?” I questioned firmly.

He glared up at me.

“You never did love me, you only used me,” he sneered.

“What the hell would make you think like that, you were my first boyfriend ever how could I not love you, you were the first guy who always had my back where ever I got stuck. You were the first person I dreamed about having a family with. The longing for you during my mission was so grand I wished every day that I could tell you how much I loved you, and longed to be beside you.” I cried out.

His face didn't change.

“I don't care if you hate me I will still love you, I don't care about your past. I don't care about how many people you may have killed. I still loved you, didn't I. I never cheated on you, not even once. Did I have the feelings I have with you with another. Because you are my true love.” I cried pointing a finger at him.

“But if you wish to never see me again, in the fight with your mother I will take her down with my own life force so I can fulfill your wish of never seeing me again. Of me not existing ever again. I just wish that you will figure out your feelings before the epic battle. Not one day have I stopped loving you, and I will show you my love by dying for you.” I cried out again.

I turned around and walked out.

~End of Dream~

I gasped when I sat up tears were still streaming down my face. Goliath was a bit worried about this. But I held together. I moved around a little still tried from the lack of being able to think clearly. I noticed how sasuke had his arm wrapped around my waist he was still asleep. I smiled thankfully towards him.

“Stop that smile and go back to sleep.” he growled.

I curled back up but this time against Sasuke, I rested my head against his chest and that was as close as we were. Never got any closer than that. Only a few weeks passed I followed him around more. He seemed to hold me up on the nights my heart was shattering with the nightmares. Which he would always take me outside and wake me up. I would wipe away the flowing tears and thank him. It seemed almost every night that these nightmare appeared. I couldn't wait for Zane to make them disappear.

That next week going towards Sasuke's brother. I couldn't stop what was destiny, Zera may be disappointed. But she would have to understand when I had a grudge towards her mother that I would let Sasuke hold his grudge with his brother. I had told him the full truth of things that happened. Laika didn't appear at all at least not yet. We were at the edge of the territory where the fight would take place. I looked up at Sasuke.

I want you to follow me only, that is before you ask,” he said

I smirked and followed him into the woods where the first justu of the day caught him. Not me I wasn't affected by justus of any kind. I can only guess why, the fact I had Samara, or the fact I just didn't have chakra to bend into the scheme. I followed him steadily, Goliath was beside me as well. I smiled rubbing his head. We had followed Sasuke all the way inside a room. Itachi raised a brow at me and Zera stepped out taking my hand and dragging me off some where else.

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