LXXXV. Leaving The Party

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Ran into a couple old
friends of mine. Jeff
went back with us.

Oh, okay. I actually
ran into a friend of
yours, he was extremely
drunk and says hi.
He was also wondering
if gays had some giant
secret society because
we all know each

Oh my god, looks
like you just met Puck.
He's absolutely ridiculous,
he was in the New
Directions with me

He also said something
about you having an ex

D Shachs

BA Me, Kurt, and
Jeff are back.

DT Wes and I are back
too... He's very drunk.

BA How drunk?

DT He started flirting
with me and asked if I
was single. He cried
when I told him I wasn't.

BA Oh my god that's
the best thing I've ever

ND I'll probably head
back soon, just have
to find Thad.


Hey, where are you?

Your guess is as
good as mine

What'd you do?

I got lost, Sherlock

Sarcasm levels seem
to be normal, I'm
guessing you aren't

Nope, just high

You fucking what



What do you see
around you?


Yeah, no shit.
What else

It's darker than
normal, prob in a

Why the fuck is this
house so big

Wait give me a minute

Ok I got instructions
from some Elizabeth

That's Kurt's middle

That's random, sorry

Aight I'm outside
the front door

K I'll be right there

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