Date,we should hang out?, JB or shit

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Criss: TamaraJiles Ashley wanted to know if anyone you guys ,wanted to date her she likes sports, science, and football and she kinda dies a lot in her dreams so anyone wanna date?

Kyle: Uh... I'll wait for Rebecca to give into it.

Stan: Yeah and when will that happen? She's a lost cause come on dude you're so lame when you talk about her.

Kyle: Shut up!

Stan: *ignoring him* Well I already have a girlfriend sorry.

Kenny: Uh, not interested. Since Criss is still pissed.

Criss: I got over it TamaraJiles you can have him. Okay moving on!

Kyle: Still don't get what he did...

Criss: *interrupting* HHH3Fan asks. We should hang ou sometime, right? As long as it's has a question mark it's a question.

Kyle: Actually the only actual question there is right? Everything else is not a question...

Cartman: Smart ass.

Stan: Should we tell her the same thing we told Poketrainer fangirl? 

Kyle: You mean Alex? The girl who wanted to go on an adventure with us?

Cartman: That bitch? Yeah.

Kenny: Basically if you wanna hang with us you gotta be in our circle.

Criss: *sarcastically* Or stalk them like I do.

Kenny: Finally you accept it!

Stan: Yeah besides it's easier to hang out if you live near us?

Criss: Kittyklaws400 has a question for Cartman would you rather eat shit for a year or listen to Justin Bieber for two days straight.

Stan: HAHA! That's a hard one.

Kenny: *bursts out laughing* Ha.. Hard.

Cartman: Uh. after I say this you assholes better not call me a fat ass.

Kyle: Can't promise anything fat ass.

Cartman: Shu up dirty Jew!

Kyle: *flips him off* 

Cartman: I like food a lot I can't go a day without cheesy poofs so I rather listen to the fag Justin Bieber. Besides my shit smells. I won't even be able to eat that much either because it takes so damn long to shit.

Stan: TMI

Kyle: What is TMI?

Criss: You are truly slow with the times.

Kyle: At least I'm not as slow as you!

Stan: Sorry dude gotta agree with Criss.

Kenny: Cartman Justin  Bieber isn't that bad I mean unless you count his annoying girly voice or his drug abuse or his weird hair cut or the repetitive of words or the movie... *cough* I mean I don't even know much about the lame ass guy..

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