Date, Masturbating,Erotic Scene

454 12 15

WARNING: Very stupid chapter(what did you expect this is South Park!) read at own risk!


Criss: OK these are really smutty questions...

Kyle: *sarcastically* Great

Stan: *sighs sinks in chair*

Cartman: Pft, nothing can scare me hoe

Kenny: Woohoo!

Criss: OK Rose wants me to leave the room after asking this question....

Kyle: It's that bad?

Stan: Damn...

Criss: OK have anyone of you seen a guy jacking off. *leaves room laughing* Good luck boys!

Cartman: AHAHA! That's such a pussy question none of us  have seen a guy jacking it! *chuckles nervously* ha... *coughs*

Stan: *whispering to Kyle* Should we tell?

Kyle: *whispering to Stan* *nervously* No, we swore, never to...

Kenny: So I'm the first one to crack huh? *stands up* Fine! I have... Ok! I have it was... 

Stan: Kyle...

Kyle: Stan!

Cartman: I walked in on my mom and my "uncle" does that count?

Everyone(except Cartman): Sick dude!

Kenny: *nudging Kyle and Stan* So uh, you guys, uh? You know?

Kyle: *red with embarrassment* We were thirteen!

Stan: Oh god I can't believe I just said that...

Kenny: I saw Butters... He said it was tingling and I told him it was okay to check it out and he ended up.. You know... We were about thirteen/fourteen...

Cartman: AHAHA! 

Kyle: Huh, I hate to admit it but, I feel a little better now...

Stan: Yeah, like floating on a cloud.

Kenny: You mean I could've just gotten high instead of answering the question?

Kyle: *shouting* You can come on in now!

Criss: *enters* Should I ask?

Everyone: No.

Kenny:*nudging Kyle and Stan* *whispering* So just two short years ago?

Kyle&Stan: *looking dully at Kenny*

Criss: OK next question is for Kenny. TamaraJiles wants to know if you'd love to date her.

Kenny: Love is a strong word. Maybe consider.

Stan: Here we go again.

Kenny: What! I like pulling heart strings. It's what I do best you expect me to know what real love is? Besides I like to play with my new doll for now. *looks to the right where Criss,Kyle and Stan are*

Criss: I am not a doll you can just play with! And for the hundredth time I do NOT like you!

Kenny: How do you know I wasn't looking at Kyle, or Stan or just thinking about Butters.

Criss: *glaring* I hate you...

Kenny: Ah, that's what you say now.

Criss: *hits him over the head with a book* Sorry TamaraJiles Kenny is currently unavailable but you can try again later. OK last one is kind of an... Odd challenge.

Cartman: Bring it on! Let me show you how bad Jews truly are at everything!

Kenny: I better not have to kiss Butters.

Kyle: Shut up Cartman! Just for that I'm gonna show you how a fat ass like you can't do anything!

Stan: So what's the challenge?

Criss: *snickering* Okay Rose(tooma2468) dares you all to make the most erotic scene ever with a chocolate covered banana. First place winner gets one million dollars second place winner gets unlimited supply of whatever they want from one store and third place gets to travel to one country.

Everyone(except Criss): *mouths dropped in surprise*

Criss: *snickering* HA HA!

Kenny: Do the guys have to be in it? I mean you saw how I reacted when Butters *shivers* *disgusted face* kissed me. Ugh.

Kyle: Yeah and I keep having to kiss Stan... Seriously???

Criss: Well there was no specific rules so I guess as long as you have the banana in your erotic scene you're good.

Kenny: *nudging* *whispering* So uh, you in?

Criss: *sprays him with a water bottle* No! I'll get my ass kicked!

Kenny: *takes away water bottle* *grabs banana*

Criss: Begin!

Kenny *holding and speaking to banana* *seductively* Ready for this baby?

Kyle: Only you would Kenny. Only you would...

Criss: *laughing*

Kenny: *draws hair and a face on the banana Has spray bottle near the rear of the banana*

Stan: Dude, I think I know where your going with this.

Criss P.O.V

I watched in between my fingers as Kenny sprayed the girl banana with water. He kept making sex noises as Kyle was forced to record it, Kenny wanted to savor the moment. He did this for ten minutes before biting the tip of the banana and eating it. He continued to make sex noses as he ate the chocolate covered  banana.

Kenny: Did I win?

Cartman: HAHA! I can do way better, isn't that right Jennifer Lopez? *looks to his hand which has eyes hair and lipstick.

"Jennifer Lopez": Oh, si, let's show them who's sexy! *grabs the chocolate covered banana and starts making out with it.

Criss: God, I hate that puppet of Cartmans.

"Jennifer Lopez": Keep it down essay! I'm trying to make love to my sweet sweet Benana! *making sex noses*

Criss: I have to admit you guys are creative.

Cartman: *eating banana* Hand over those one million dollars hoe!

Criss: Not yet Kyle and Stan still haven't had a turn.

Stan: No way in hell not even for one million dollars. Come on Kyle let's get out of here.

Cartman: Hold on Stan let's hear from Kyle.

Kyle: Well... It is a lot of money....

Cartman: You know your inner Jew wants that money so why don't you give it a try? *sneaky grin*

Kyle:... Uh,

Stan: Whatever I'm out *leaves.

Kyle: Ok *grabs banana* *puts into mouth*

Criss: So you're sucking dick?

Kyle: *ignoring* *continues to suck*

Cartman: HAAHA! Are those balls salty? Kyle?

Kyle: *humming*

Kenny: Wait let me make it more realistic! *draws balls on the banana*

Criss: Still not very erotic... OK let's decide the winner!

Too lazy to decide the winner I suck at writing erotic stuff XD So pick the one you liked best even though they're all amateurs Thanks for reading fweakies

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