|30| Prideful Poodles & Prejudiced Toads

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Adelaide Rose Fawley may have had a slight crush on her best friend, but unless you took the time to notice, you'd never know. For Adelaide Fawley was a very good actress when she needed to be. She acted as if absolutely nothing had happened that Friday evening so convincingly, that later, Mary, Remus, and James were all half convinced that they had just dreamed the whole thing up. Rest assured, they certainly hadn't dreamed it.

When Adelaide and James returned to the common room the evening of the big Revelation, Mary instantly stood up from where she had been waiting upon the squashy couch by the dying fireplace.

James tried very hard to tell her to let the subject drop for the night through his Facial expressions. He was unsuccessful.

"ADDY!" Mary exclaimed, running and squishing the smaller girl in a fierce hug. "Addy! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said anything! I'm so so sorry!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Adelaide said, feigning ignorance, pulling free from the brunette's clutches.

"Huh? But I thought... and you almost said..."

"You seem a bit tired Mary... we should get to bed." Adelaide said, feigning concern.

Mary shared a confused look with James who seemed just as bemused by her behavior as herself, but did eventually go off to bed as Adelaide suggested.


The next day, Saturday May 15th, was the day of the big Quidditch game, Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff, which Adelaide and her friends would be spending alongside Evan and Regulus.

Adelaide got ready then went down to breakfast before any of her friends. She sat, lazily eating her oatmeal and toast in peace, reading up on silencing charms (you know....just in case), when a small mousey brown haired girl wearing a pink headband sat herself across from her.

The girl, clad in a pink dress, cleared her throat. "Hem hem". Adelaide looked up from her book and stared at the nuisance in front of her, then lazily returned to eating her breakfast and reading. Dollie was not worth her time.

"Hem hem.. Adelaide? I believe we got off on the wrong foot. I wanted to reintroduce myself so that we could get re-acquainted." She said in her breathy high voice. It was like nails on a chalkboard.

"I'd really rather not." She said, never looking up from her book.

"I believe it would be wise, especially since we will be spending time together over the summer..."

"Oh hell no! There is no way I'm marrying you!" Adelaide exclaimed, completely disgusted and finally looking up to the toad faced prejudicial twit.

Dollie giggled her high pitched affected laugh. "Oh you are a silly one! No I will not be marrying you, but I will be staying for a while while I'm visiting my cousins."

"Your cousins?! Who the hell are your cousins?!" Adelaide mumbled, not even waiting to finish swallowing her toast.

Dollie made a disgusted look and leaned back subtly. "Robert and Rebecca Selwyn." She informed. "They go to Durmstrang.... father wanted me to spend more time in proper society. You know, make connections and the like." She finished eyeing the girls disheveled appearance. In addition to Adelaide's late night brooding, she also had trouble sleeping. So, she had a lovely pair of deep purple circles under her eyes, complimented by her messy light blonde hair which had been tied up into an untidy bun, and a wrinkled Hogwarts Quidditch T-shirt tucked into her jean skirt.

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