|95| I'm Not an Effing Veela

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"Sirius, I'm perfectly capable of eating my lunch by myself..." Adelaide sighed, leaning back against the pillows of her bed just before a levitated spoon swooped gracefully toward her mouth so she could slurp tomato basil soup once more.

"Oh, I know." Sirius smirked from where he leisurely sprawled out across Mary's uninhabited bed.

Adelaide scowled then unceremoniously swatted the now empty spoon away like it was an annoying fly before it could droop back down into the soup bowl at her bedside. "Well then why the bloody hell have you insisted that this stupid thing feed me like I'm a big baby!"

"Well, you are my baby..." Sirius winked, obviously trying to rile her up even more.

"Sirius!" she scolded, chunking Dorris at his face, followed soon after by Doug the purple dragon.

"Hey! Stop it! I was just wondering how long it would take for you to question it!" he laughed.

Adelaide pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, looking pointedly in the other direction, which happened to be in the direction of Marlene's empty bed. Of their friend group, only Lily, James, Sirius and herself were left at the school that easter holiday, which worked out for the best she supposed— It was much easier for Sirius to sneak into her dorm to hang out (and otherwise annoy her) without the others around, something he took full advantage of.

In the three days since she'd nearly been drowned and eaten by a damn Grindylow, he had hardly left her side—his reasoning mentioned something about needing to keep an eye on her after she'd used up five out her nine lives that semester, but Adelaide wasn't really listening as it was part of a much longer speech where he tried to convince Lily to let him stay up in their dorm over night, which she of course did not agree to.

"Oh, come on Addy... I was just kidding around..." he said more tenderly to a still pouting Adelaide. The weight of the bed shifted and suddenly warmth radiated from her right side, followed soon after by his soft lips on her cheek. "I love you, Addy..." he murmured sweetly against her skin making her heart melt into a puddle.

"I love you too, you idiot." she grumbled weakly, face heating up a little and betraying her cold exterior. No matter how many times they said those words, it always felt like the first time to her.

Sirius seemed satisfied with her grumbly profession of love and made himself more comfortable at her side, laying down and resting his head on her shoulder. "So, I've been thinking—"

"Uh oh..." Adelaide interrupted with an audible smirk. "Never a good sign..."

Sirius tickled her side in retaliation making her giggle, then continued. "So, as I was saying... I think it would be a good idea for you to get some swimming lessons from Madge."

Adelaide thought for a moment, idly playing with a lock of Sirius's hair. "Don't you think she'd get suspicious? I mean— she's smart, Sirius... I feel like if I asked her out of the blue to teach me how to swim, it wouldn't take long for her to realize I was Floofs— erm, I mean the cat..." she ended a little awkwardly. While this was a real reason for not wanting Madge to teach her, it wasn't the only one. Her memories of drowning were a little murky, but whatever saved her was definitely not human... or at least, it wasn't purely human and she wasn't sure she wanted to put her Slytherin friend on the spot like that.

Sirius sighed and began tracing little shapes on Adelaide's hip where the old and tattered quidditch practice jersey she'd stolen from James rode up from her baggy sweatpants, leaving a little splotch of porcelain skin. "Yeah, you're probably right... Maybe she could teach me and then I'll teach you?"

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