|73| Secret Date

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As Adelaide continued to hang out with Sirius the night before their 'secret date,' her mind kept bouncing back to the fact that she hadn't told Mary anything about it. The idea of not being able to talk to her, or fret about what outfit she would wear with her, or listen to Mary rant about how weird, but awesome, her own date with Evan had been, began to wear a hole in her heart. She needed her best friend back... or at least, she needed to let Mary know how important she was to her.

So, as soon as James and the others returned, Adelaide quickly excused herself for bed, sprinting down the boys staircase then back up to the girls room, becoming a little winded in the process.

With a dramatic flourish worthy of James Potter, she flung the door to the dorm open and quickly eyed just the person she was looking for, sitting on her bed reading a Quidditch magazine. Thankfully the other two were still downstairs last she saw, so she could make her speech without having to cast a muffling charm beforehand.

With heavy footsteps and an even heavier heart, Adelaide padded across the room to Mary McDonald, not even bothering to sit down.

Breath shaky and fingers fumbling with the hem of her sleeve, she began. "Mary, I am so so so sorry that I didn't tell you—can't tell you what happened that night I got hurt, but I swear it's not because I don't care about you, or trust you, or love you. You are my best friend, the first girl friend I've ever really had... your my sister... and I hate not talking to you. I see you walking past in the halls or sitting in class, and all I want to do is run up and hug you and listen to you rant about Quidditch, or how bad Hubert Macmillan's breath smells, or how squirrelly and handsome Evan Rosier is. I—I miss you mare... But I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore. I just— I just had to tell you that."

"I forgive you, Addy..." Mary said softly, glassy eyed from what she knew had to have been a difficult speech for her closed-off friend to make. "Remus and Lily told me what happened.

That really threw Adelaide off, not that she wasn't a bit unsettled to begin with. "They-they what?—what did they tell you?!"

"I think Remus referred to it as a 'fuzzy little issue' or something like that...?"

"He told you about his poorly behaved rabbit?" Adelaide guessed, not wanting to spill the beans in case they told her a cover story.

"A what— his rabbit? No! They told me about how he's a werewolf." She explained.

"He—he told you?" Adelaide asked in shock, sitting down upon the brunette's bed before her knees collapsed beneath her. Remus hadn't even told her and the boys willingly... actually, now that she thought about it, she wasn't sure he had told anyone without them figuring it out beforehand.

"Well he tried to... seemed a bit difficult for him, so Lily filled in the gaps, but yes. He told me that you were hurt trying to help him... and that he was the one who was making you keep his secret."

"He really told you!?" Adelaide asked once again in disbelief. It seemed awfully out of character for him to be so forthcoming.

Mary laughed. "Yes, tonight... I think he was going to get ice cream or something with James and Peter originally, but grabbed Lily and explained everything in this weird room behind a painting... there were purple couches, I think you'd like it." Mary commented. "Point is, he was worried that making you keep his secret was going to ruin our friendship... said he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he ruined a perfectly good best friendship."

"And... it doesn't... it doesn't bother you that he's—"

"Merlin, no! Not at all! If anything I have more respect for him! To think he's had to deal with all that since he was so little... feeling so alone... it—well it just breaks my heart... He is so strong because of it though." she said with a small smile.

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