|28| He's a Friend

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It was Friday, May 14th. Classes were over for the day and the weather outside was gorgeous. But where was Adelaide? Stuck in the stupid stuffy library. She sat at the Library table, slumped in her seat, head propped up by her left hand. "I'm. So. Bored." She droned.

"Addy, we've been here for 20 minutes." Lily informed her best friend seated in front of her, never looking up from the old and dusty Transfiguration book she was flipping through.

"I'm aware of that. I'm still bored."

Severus Snape scoffed from his seat beside Lily. Adelaide ignored him.

"Why don't you work on that charms essay?" Mary suggested, turning to the platinum blonde girl beside her.

"I finished that the day Flitwick assigned it." She said slumping down further, her arms folded on the table with her head resting upon them.

"What about the star chart for astronomy?" Lily asked.

"Sirius can help me with that later."

"How about your Herbology essay over leaping toadstools?" Mary asked.

"They're toadstools. They leap. Done." Adelaide said in a bored tone as Lily scowled, Mary puffed out a breath of annoyance, and Severus rolled his eyes. "Ughhh fine. I'll write the bloody essay."

Adelaide lazily opened the baby puke green Encyclopedia of Toadstools and began flipping through the pages to find the leaping variety.

She sat, with her book propped up, hiding the fact that she was not writing her paper, but instead doodling cats upon her parchment for a while until she heard a boy chuckle behind her.

"Hey Sev," the chuckler greeted.

"Hello Evan."

Adelaide whirled around in her seat to see the Slytherin boy whose brown hair fell in front of his blue green eyes. She was surprised to find him looking back.

"Hi addy." He said kindly. "That's a nice drawing you've got there! Is that for a class?"

"ADDY! Are you really doodling again?! You said you were working on your Herbology essay!" Lily exclaimed.

Adelaide gave Evan a dirty look for ratting her out. "Thanks for that..."

Evan looked surprised, but thoroughly amused by the whole situation and sat in the seat next to Adelaide. Lily, Mary, and Severus all looked a little surprised that the two even knew each other... and now this older boy was inviting himself to sit with them?

"So, why cats?" Evan asked with a quizzical look.

"What?" Adelaide asked.

He pointed to the parchment with various cat drawings, some enchanted to leap around and play with scribbles like they were balls of yarn.

"Oh, um... I erm... I dunno, I just think they're cute." She said awkwardly.

"That they are..." he said looking up into her eyes. "How did you get them to jump around like that? I've never seen a spell like that before."

"Oh I um... well it's really just a combination of a couple of charms." She said tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Charms class is the only class Adelaide pays attention in." Mary remarked under her breath.

"That's so cool." Evan flashed his bright white smile, clearly impressed.

"Addy... you know that paper is due tomorrow right?" Lily interjected.

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