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"...will be transforming hedgehogs into pincushions. Now the incantation is..."

Adelaide half listened as Professor McGonagall explained the lesson for the day, doodling a cat trying to catch a bird on her parchment, when she felt someone tug on her hair.

She ignored this first offense, focusing instead on the rather adorable hedgehogs being passed out.

"Well aren't you cute... I think you would've made a very nice loafer..." she whispered to the hedgehog now smiling up at her, petting its head— another tug.

Swiftly, she scooted her wooden chair up closer to the desk, sparing a quick glance to the dark haired girl beside her who had been refusing to acknowledge her existence for the past week or so.

"...firm and decisive wand movements are an especially  important element in this transfor..."

Another tug.

"Stop it!" Adelaide hissed, head whipping around and forest green eyes glaring at the curly haired boy seated behind her.

"What's wrong, love?" Sirius whispered innocently.

"Quit. Pulling. My. Hair." she growled. Sirius merely raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"Miss Fawley! Please pay attention!" Professor McGonagall said sternly.

Adelaide's head whipped back toward the Professor mumbling an apology, internally cursing the boy behind her.

Ever since they were released from the infirmary the Tuesday after the full moon, Sirius had been nothing but a pest. All day, everyday, for a week he did nothing but pull her hair, throw things at her, steal her mashed potatoes, poke, tease, and otherwise annoy her to the point that she was seriously considering canceling their stupid secret date that weekend.

The bell rang and Adelaide shoved her belongings into her bag, then stormed out of the Transfiguration classroom, wishing she could at least vent to Mary, but her sassy brunette best friend was hardly speaking to her since she refused to tell her what really happened the night she was bludgeoned by a bloodthirsty, sock ironing werewolf.

"Hello, Addykins!" Sirius smirked, stepping out from the wall where he had been lurking, jogging to catch up with her.

"Go away." she said without looking at him.

Sirius only smirked wider. "But I want to walk with you." he said in mock sadness, lopping an arm over her shoulders.

"So you can pull my hair again?" she grumbled.

"I dunno what you're talking about." he said innocently.

"I really don't like it, Sirius." she said shortly, thinking back to the countless times her mother yanked a brush through her tangled hair.

Sirius could tell this genuinely bothered her and felt guilt bubble up within him. "I'll stop." he said softly.

Adelaide shrugged his arm off of her. "You'll stop pulling my hair, or stop all the rest of it too?" she snapped.

Just by the look in his eyes she could tell he was not about to quit bugging her. "You're insufferable." she muttered venomously.

The Pureblood Princess | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now