|51| Whoa There, Cutie!

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As the first few weeks of the fall semester rolled on, Adelaide began to get in a good little routine. On Tuesdays and Thursday's, she would appease Lily by doing homework with her during her study hall periods before lunch; Eat breakfast and catch up with Evan and Regulus over the weekends; plot, plan, and scheme pranks with the rest of the Marauders on Saturdays; and work on flying with James Tuesday and Friday afternoons— where Sirius and Mary had started to join in and commentate their actions — in detail...

"Looks like Potter has made Fawley start running laps again—" Mary said in a magnified voice in the all but abandoned announcer's box, early October, during their last Friday afternoon practice before tryouts. "She is on the move— slowly­— but on the move no less!"

"I'm surprised she can move at all, given that she can hardly make it up the damn stairs without begging for someone to carry her like a spoiled— "

"Looks like she has learned some interesting new hand gestures folks!"

"Oh yes! That's her new way of thanking us for the brilliant play-by-play coverage McDonald!"

"Right you are Black! She gave me one of those when I dropped my crystal ball on her feet last week, she also called me a bloody wan—"


Adelaide swooped up beside them and chunked a Quaffle straight between the two want-to-be-commentators, nearly missing them both.

"I believe that was the first time Adelaide Fawley has ever missed a shot!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Impossible! I'd say it was impossible if I didn't see it with my own eyes!"

"—And rather lovely eyes they are McDonald—"

There was a loud thunk as Mary knocked Sirius on the ground. "I take it back, she has the most hideous and heinous brown orbs I've ever witnessed."

James instantly zoomed up beside them. "That wasn't a miss— that was a warning." he smirked.

Adelaide swooped up beside James. "And if you ever use the word 'orbs' to describe anyone else's eyes ever again, I swear I will hunt you down and charm a gigantic Dorris to chase you until you are begging for mercy."

"Are you sure you aren't a Slytherin?" Sirius asked, clearly a little shaken from her threat.

"Speak of the devil... What are they doing here?" Mary whined, pointing toward the other end of the pitch where Slytherin's Avery, Mulciber, and Wilkes strutted upon the field as if they owned it.

"Move it losers! We need the pitch to practice!" Wilkes called out.

Mary instantly launched herself over to the enchanted voice magnifier. "Well, well folks, seems we have some mid-practice entertainment today! I had no idea trolls could even fly brooms!"

Sirius sneered. "I saw one fly once— fell straight off and broke every bone in their body— but we really mustn't get our hopes up."

"You'd better watch your tongue you filthy blood-traitors!" Mulciber spat.

"Oh, is that Fawley?" Avery asked in a sickly-sweet voice, sporting a terrifyingly twisted smile. "I do believe it is! I wonder what your dear old mumsy would do if she heard about your little 'werewolf rights' campaign during class... I think she'd be rather upset, don't you Wilkes?"

Wilkes sneered. "I think she would Avery... I think it would just break her sweet heart."

Sirius snorted. Cathryn Fawley didn't have a heart to break.

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