|12| The Penguin Suit

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Christmas was right around the corner, but unlike the year before, Sirius and Adelaide were being forced to return home for the holidays. Both Mary and James offered to let Adelaide and Sirius stay at their respective homes, but the two sulking Gryffindors didn't have much of a choice but to follow their parents wishes.

Adelaide exited the scarlet train hugging Mary goodbye, telling her that she would write if she could, and that she couldn't wait to hear all about her trip to Greenland when she got back.

"ADELAIDE ROSE!" screeched a cold voice belonging to Mrs. Cathryn Fawley.

Adelaide winced at the sound, then gave her Mary one last tight hug goodbye before walking toward the domineering woman in dark form fitting robes. 

Mrs. Fawley didn't even acknowledge Adelaide when she walked up, too busy staring in Mary's direction with a disapproving scowl.

"Hello mother," Adelaide said politely.

"Who was that girl you were fraternizing with?" Mrs. Fawley asked.

Adelaide looked back at Mary and took a deep breath. "She's my best friend... Her name is Mary McDonald," Adelaide answered. "...pureblood," she added after a moment to answer her mothers unsaid question.

Cathryn made a sort of disapproving noise but didn't ask any further questions about the girl which Adelaide considered a win.

They apperated on the spot back to their manor and Cathryn immediately walked off, motioning for Adelaide to follow her to the sitting room then demanded their house elf, Mimsy, to take her trunk up to her room. 

Adelaide followed after her mother, tripping slightly in her haste, and sat upon the velvet sofa just the way her mother had taught her— back straight, shoulders back, chin up—ideally, she was supposed to have her feet on the floor too... but she was rather short and no matter how close she scooted to the edge of her seat, her feet still dangled in air, looking all undignified.

"How is Regulus?" her mother asked. 

A small part of Adelaide hoped that her mother would ask her how she was doing, but of course her own daughters happiness was never much of a concern for Cathryn.

"He's doing very well. He's made quite a few new friends in Slytherin," Adelaide informed her. "He says his favorite class is potions but I think it's mostly because Professor Slughorn seems to favor him. I think he'll be invited to the Slug Club at some point," Adelaide drawled. The signature languid pureblood way of speaking tasted like acid within her mouth.

"Have you been invited to the 'Slug Club'?" her mother asked, not meeting Adelaide's eyes.

Adelaide hesitated. "Erm..."

"Well?" Cathryn asked impatiently. "Yes or no?"

"Yes... but—"

Cathryn looked at Adelaide sharply, eyes cold and hawklike. "But what?"

Adelaide gulped. She wanted to tell her that she thought the slug club was stupid, but that would not go over well. "Um... I haven't... erm... I—"

"Speak clearly, Adelaide." 

"I haven't been able to go to any of the dinners," she said in a rush.

Cathryn looked suspicious. "And why is that?"

Because she usually was in detention those nights.

"I-I usually work on homework with Regulus in the evenings," she lied. 

Finally, a suitable answer. 

"Good, good... Probably for the better with your marks...But that reminds me... we'll be joining the Blacks at their home for Christmas this year," Cathryn said. Adelaide tried to hide how happy this made her. "Unfortunately, their eldest son will be in attendance as well... filthy blood traitor... Walburga continues to believe that there is hope for him yet— says that he's just going through a 'rebellious phase' or something and that he'll grow out of it eventually... but based on what she's told me, I fear he is too far gone for anything to be done about it," she said with a deep sigh looking at Adelaide in disappointment. "It's a pity, really... Had he kept in line, he would have made quite a suitable match for you... Completely out of the question now of course..." she said shaking her head as if this was some great loss.

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