|45| Pugface McGee

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"Oh you're here! Welcome! Welcome!" Cathryn Fawley exclaimed to the group of two adults and three children standing at the doorstep of the Fawley Manor, leading them in with a large smile.

"Cathy, we do apologize for not letting you know sooner about Delores..." Dahlia (Parkinson) Selwyn said in a low voice. "Cassius and I obviously had no idea of her mother's blood-status until Filip was able to look into it for us."

"Even the most cunning can be bested." Cathryn said with a sigh as Dahlia gave her a sympathetic look with her icy blue eyes.

"Yes, I heard of your own little intrusion..." Dahlia said, glancing over to the curly headed boy sitting beside Adelaide, and as far away as possible from the other three children. "But, knowing the Dark Lord, I am sure it was not in vain."

"Yes, yes that's what Filip keeps saying... But I don't like it Dahlia... I don't like it one bit. That boy is a bad influence on her... But enough of that! Let's catch up!" She said, leading her pug nosed friend into her own private parlor to drink wine and gossip, leaving the children and their husbands to fend for themselves.

"Ah! I believe the women have abandoned us mate." Cassius Selwyn chuckled.

"Nothing new there." Filip said with a tight smile.

Cassius let out a rumbling laugh, sweeping back his inky black hair. "Just like old times I suppose. Do you remember the time Dahlia nearly hexed you for having the audacity to ask Cathy to Hogsmead when they were going to have a 'girls day'?"

Filip nodded calmly at the memory, "I'm certain she would have if you hadn't asked her out next." he said with a smirk.

"And look at us now! A pair of lonely kings!" Cassius said with his arms outstretched wide, chuckling. 

Adelaide and Sirius sat together on a marble white couch in the formal living room, glaring at the three teenagers on the couch across from them: Dollie Umbridge, and Rebecca and Robert Selwyn.

The twins, Rebecca and Robert, were a year ahead of the rest, about to begin their 4th year at Durmstrang. They shared a striking resemblance to one another, with the same pug like noses, judgmental icy blue eyes, and jet black hair.

"Do you two play quidditch?" Rebecca Selwyn asked in a bored tone, looking around the room.

"Yes." Adelaide answered. "Do you?"


Awkward silence.

"Do you have a house elf?" Robert asked, in an equally disinterested tone.

"Yes." Adelaide answered. "She is very kind."

Robert and Rebecca scoffed and Adelaide clenched her fists, willing herself to keep her cool.

"Does anyone fancy a game of hide and seek?" Sirius drawled languidly, falling into the pureblood way of speech, shocking Adelaide so much so in the process that she briefly glanced over toward him to make sure he hadn't gone insane. Sirius gave her a subtle wink, quelling her fears.

"I suppose that would be more enjoyable than actually having to converse..." Robert sneered. "Becca?"

"Very well... Seems a bit childish, but I suppose it's better than nothing." She said, still avoiding eye contact.

"hem hem." Everyone's common enemy smoothed her pink skirt, preparing to address her glaring contemporaries. "Will we be outdoors as well?" she asked in her breathy sickly sweet voice.

Sirius glanced over to Adelaide to see her smirking slightly.

"Yes." She drawled, winking to Sirius. "How about you start us off Dollie, Sirius and I, as well as Robert and Rebecca, will hide, and you can sniff us out." She said emotionlessly.

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