|46| Diagon Alley

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Adelaide woke up around sun-up, an unfortunate habit from the months of chanting, and rolled over to see a big hairy dog sprawled out on the opposite side of the big bed, for the fourth time that week. She smirked, then scratched the sleeping dogs belly in just the right spot and tried to keep her self from laughing when the dogs left foot started going wild. 

"Wakey wakey Snuffles!" she sang. 

The dog abruptly stopped scratching and flipped over... falling off the bed. Adelaide howled in laughter. 

Up popped up a very grumpy Sirius Black, hair awry. "Do you have to do that every time!?" he asked with his hands on his hips, up to his nose with sass. 

"Yes. I find it is a lovely way to start my day." she said, trying to keep a straight face. 

Sirius humphed, then left the room dramatically with his nose in the air, listening to Adelaide giggle behind him. 

The rest of the Selwyn's stay turned out to be much more enjoyable than anyone would have guessed. Adelaide and Sirius found that as long as they were playing Quidditch, they didn't have to listen to the twins talk, and vis versa (though, Robert didn't actually mind talking to Adelaide). Adelaide and Robert played as Chaser, Sirius and Rebecca played as keeper, and Dollie was the single seeker, and the one who would end the game. The other four knew for a fact that she would never actually be able to catch the snitch, but that it would keep her out of the way for the most part and insure the game went on for as long as possible. 

When the Selwyn's, plus Dollie, finally left, Adelaide felt much more confident in her chaser abilities, seeing as she scored nearly twice as many points over all as Robert. 

This particular morning was the first since the Selwyn's departure, and the beginning of the last week of summer. 

Adelaide was getting ready for the highly anticipated day ahead of her, the day she would get to go to Diagon Alley to buy her school supplies for the year. It was always her favorite part of going back to school, partially because she inherited Cathryn Fawley's somewhat unhealthy love of shopping, but also because it was the only time she really got to leave the manor over the summer. 

knock knock... knock... knock knock knock

"I'm decent!" 

"Hey Ads- woah! I didn't know you owned any clothes that weren't purple." He smirked, referring to the black jumper she was currently wearing. Adelaide casually grabbed Dorris and threw her at his head, then continued to lace up her shoes. "Rude much?! I was going to say I liked the black!" he exclaimed, hiding his 'beautiful face' from being hit by another flying object. 

"Oh." She moved her hair over her face to hide her slight blush. "Well thank you. I thought I might switch things up." She shrugged.

Sirius plopped himself onto her bed. "I swear I sleep better in your bed than I do in mine..." he said with a disgruntled expression. 

"Maybe it's just because you're Padfoot."

"Nah, I think it might be because of you." he said off-handedly.

Adelaide blinked. "Um... I think we better head down for breakfast, yeah?" 

"Meh, yeah sure." he said lazily. 

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