|76| I Will Fix This

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With her forest green eyes fixed on the last remnant of Cathryn Fawley's anger, Adelaide marveled at just how foolish she had been. The entire notion that she could date Sirius without any backlash was preposterous. Deep down she expected her mother to find out at some point, but so soon? Someone must have told her... and she had a very good idea of who that someone could be.

The growing sound of whispers spread through the hall like wildfire, causing her cheeks to burn as she realized they were all looking at her. Her eyes scanned the room until they landed on Micheal Avery, smirking and laughing at the Slytherin table. Almost as if he was expecting it, they made eye contact and he sent her a wave, smirking ever wider alongside his goons.

Avery. The boy who harassed her for the entirety of the last school year, assaulted her over the summer, and who had a proven record of snitching on her to Crazy Cathryn.

She vaguely noticed Sirius as he whispered in her ear, urging her to leave. "Come on, Addykins... let's get you out of here..."

Abruptly, Adelaide let out a humorless laugh, eyes still fixed on the smirking Slytherin. "That bastard..." she hissed venomously under her breath, hand reaching for her wand. She clambered to her feet in an attempt to move toward the boy across the room, but ultimately she was rendered immobile, captive by Sirius's arms around her.

"Let me go!" she growled, fighting to get free.

There was no way she would let anyone—not that little twerp, or her mother, or anyone else for that matter—end her relationship with Sirius. If she was going to be kicked out of school because of it, why not make things a little easier? Why not get herself expelled for hexing Avery into the next century? Seemed perfectly rational 

"LET ME GO!" she screamed, limbs flailing as she struggled to break free of Sirius's hold. "YOU SLIMY SNAKE! YOU TOLD HER, DIDN'T YOU!?" she yelled savagely in the Slytherin's direction.

Avery sneered even wider.


Somehow, Sirius managed to get her to turn toward him. "Addy. I will fix this. But you need to get out of here. Trust me."

"YOU CAN'T FIX IT! HE RUINED EVERYTHING!" she yelled, eyes becoming blurry with tears of anger. "He ruined it a-all..." she said miserably.


The climb from the Great Hall to Gryffindor Tower went by in a blur, she didn't even really remember walking there. Her mind was much too preoccupied with figuring out the worst hexes possible to fling at Avery the next time they crossed paths. But, after a while, they did finally reach the boys dorm.

Sirius flew to his desk, and started furiously scribbling on parchment.

"Is Berwin around?" he asked, not looking up.

"You know, this really isn't the most opportune time for letter writing, Padfoot." she spat. "Why didn't you let me hex him?!"

"Because. You would've gotten yourself expelled." he muttered impatiently.

Adelaide scoffed rolling her eyes, becoming more and more annoyed with the fact that his attention was split between her and the stupid letter he was writing. "In case you didn't hear dear ol' mumsy earlier, I'm already going to be taken out of school."

"Only if we stay together..." he clarified.


"That's my girl." said Sirius with an audible smirk. 

"Stop it! I'm still mad at you!"

"Okay, well can you be mad a bit quieter? I need to finish this—"

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