|59| Bossy Breakfast Ruiner

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It had been several days since Adelaide found out the truth of Tom Riddle's identity. Though, to be honest, she was still having a hard time processing it all. She resolved to not tell anyone until she'd had a chance to speak with Dumbledore, and was getting more and more agitated the longer it took for him to respond.

If Riddle really was You-Know-Who, then this changed everything. This meant that she was being manipulated, pushed around in some grand chess game by one of the most dangerous dark wizards of all time. She shuttered at the thought of him poking through her mind, but was quietly proud of her ability to fend him off so well. Perhaps he wasn't as powerful as he would like to think he was.

Finally, on Sunday morning, while she sat with Regulus, Evan, and Mary, peacefully eating her oatmeal, a barn owl swooped over in her direction, delivering a small note written in elegant blue scrawl. She opened the letter hastily... then began to get up to leave the grand hall immediately.

"Addy! What the—? Where are you going?! Is everything okay?" Mary asked with concern reflected in Evan and Regulus's faces as well.

"I'm fine! I just have to go. See you later Mar! Bye guys!" she said quickly, not even looking at her friends as she ran over toward the Gryffindor table toward the boys. "Sirius, I need you to come with me. Now." she said, attempting to pull him up by the collar of his t-shirt.

"But— my pancakes..." he said woefully.

"Ughhh! You can take them with you, now get up. NOW!"

Sirius grumbled something about her being a bossy breakfast ruiner, but got up regardless.

"Addy! Where are you going?" James asked worriedly.

Adelaide let out an impatient groan and leaned forward toward the boys. "Dumbledore. I had him come back early, I need Sirius to help me explain some stuff." she whispered.

It was quite a sight, seeing a nearly manic girl dragging the disgruntled dark haired boy through the castle as he tried, in vain, to scarf down his large stack of pancakes. They earned quite a few confused looks along their journey.

"Addy! I thought you were dreading this? Why the sudden burst of freakish enthusiasm?" Sirius asked through a mouthful of pancakes.

"There's a bit of the puzzle I haven't told you about just yet." she said quickly, rounding the corner toward Gary the Gargoyle.

"Acid Pops." she said quickly.

"No 'hello Gary'?" the gargoyle said sassily.

Adelaide blushed, embarrassed by her own rudeness. "oh... Sorry Gary." she said with an apologetic smile. "Oh! This is my best friend I told you about, Sirius Black." she said with a smile.

Sirius looked back and forth between Adelaide and the gargoyle, who apparently was a friend of hers, then gave an awkward wave, mouth still full of pancakes.

Gary quickly revealed the entrance and the magical staircase that lead to the headmasters office.

"Um. Sirius, there's something I need to tell you before we go in there." she said apprehensively.

Sirius took another bite of his food, raising a quizzical eyebrow.

"Tom Riddle is actually Voldemort." she said quickly.

Sirius nearly choked to death on his pancakes. "He... who... how... no... " he said between labored coughs, grey eyes bugging out wildly in disbelief.

"Yes. I know. Very shocking. But we need to go see Dumbles now." she said trying to drag him up the steps.

"NO! STOP IT ADDY! WHAT THE HELL?" he hollered. "You choose now, now of all times to tell me this little tidbit of information?!"

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