|38| Mind Games

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After the Gala was over, and James and the guests left out the front door, disapperating with loud cracks, Adelaide went up to her room to scrub off all the make-up, and slipped out of the lavender dress. She put on a soft blue nightgown and some cat slippers Sirius got her for Christmas (long before he actually knew her patronus form) and padded down the dark hallways of the manor to grab a cup of tea from the kitchen before bed.

She held her cup of camomile tea carefully as she made her way back up to her room. As she walked passed the drawing room, she was startled to see her father looking more distraught than she had ever seen him in her life.

Usually, he showed no emotion whatsoever, but tonight, he looked tired and broken. He was sitting beside the fire in a comfortable armchair, puffing on his wooden pipe, deep in thought while Mimsy cleaned the ballroom.

He looked up to see Adelaide watching him curiously, sweet little cat faces on her pink slippers and large cup of steaming tea in her hands: she looked so innocent. He softly called her to sit in the chair beside him. He looked over her sweet delicate face in the warm glow of the fire as she carefully sipped her tea.

How had he created something so pure? How was it possible that he, a broken and flawed man, could have any part in her perfection?

"Did you have a pleasant time tonight?" He asked letting out a puff of smoke.

Adelaide studied him closer. He seemed almost genuinely interested in her. "I did." She said with a hint of a smile. "James Potter came with his family."

"Are you friends with James?" He asked.

Adelaide wasn't sure what he wanted her answer to be. Was James off limits too? His family could probably be considered blood traitors, but did her father know this? Would she be punished for being his friend? Her mind raced, but then something inside her said to tell the truth, regardless of the consequences. After all, she was much stronger than before, and if worse came to worse, she was confident that if she could protect her and her friends from Loony Moony the werewolf, she could probably fight off her parents long enough to get away.

"Yes, he's like a big brother." She said softly.

Something strange flashed in Filip's eyes, as if he was recalling a painful memory. He nodded in acknowledgment, but was silent for a few long minutes. They sat in the quiet, dimly lit room, filled only by the sound of the fire, Adelaide's soft slurps of her tea, and Filip's light puffs from his pipe.

"Is it true that you can do wandless magic?" Her father asked, breaking the silence. Adelaide's head snapped toward him in alarm. Only the Marauders, Lily, and Mary knew about this.

"What?" She asked in forced calmness.

"Is it true you can perform spells without using a wand." He asked looking towards her guilt ridden face. "It's a rare talent for someone your age, but not unheard of in our family." He commented casually. It wasn't a total lie, he had a great-great-great aunt that was rumored to possess the talent, though the stories always alluded to her mastering the skill later in life.

Adelaide's face instantly peaked with interest. "Really?!" she asked brightly.

So it was true.

"Yes." He said sadly. "It's late, you should head up to bed."

And with that, Adelaide padded her way up the marble stairs to her bedroom, mind buzzing with events of the night.

The next morning, as the sun arose, Adelaide pointed her wand to her heart and recited the incantation,"Amato Animo Animato Animagus," then tried as she had the past two weeks to call Sirius over the mirror. Once again she was unsuccessful. She glanced at Dorris, still a little splattered with ink, but otherwise back to normal and laying upon her bed, and sighed.

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