|40| The Unexpected Visitor

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"WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN IGNORING ME FOR A MONTH!?" Adelaide screamed furiously through her tears.

Sirius looked back at her speechlessly, slowing his pace as he made his way toward his emotional best friend.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" She screamed, crying harder still. She was so angry with him, but also missed him and sort of wanted a hug.

"It's um... it's a funny story actually..."


"No... I'd say you weren't. Um... I got you these.." he said holding out the bouquet of lavender flowers, cringing as Adelaide furiously screamed a steady stream of expletives.


"Ads, I promise I'll explain everything, but first please just tell me what's wrong!" He said. Adelaide shot him a glare. "Ugh, please tell me what's wrong... besides me being a terrible best friend." He clarified, moving closer as she buried her face in her hands sobbing.

"Addykins... please just tell me what to do!" He begged.

"Just hug me you idiot." She mumbled furiously.

He was not about to refuse her, not that he would anyway. Sirius sunk down to the ground beside her and held her as she cried into his chest. He sat with her, gently stroking her soft light-blonde hair, and wishing he could make her as happy as she was that day by the lake. But he couldn't. All he could do was be there for her, and he was already doing a terrible job at that this summer.

"W-why didn't you answer?" Adelaide finally hiccuped. "I called you every morning and n-night." she said catching her breath.

"My mum took the mirror away at the beginning of summer. I tried to steal it back, but Kreature kept moving it..."

Adelaide sat up to whack him upside the head. "YOU IDIOT! You should have found a better place to hide it!" she scolded.

"I know! I know! Believe me. It's been torture not being able to talk to you Ads!" he said desperately. Adelaide rolled her eyes, somewhat pleased that it was just as torturous for him as it was for her.

"So why are you here?" she asked. 

"You won't believe me if I tell you."

"I'm not in the mood to fish for answers Sirius. Please just tell me." She sighed, absolutely exhausted. 

Sirius reached up to brush away a few tears from her delicate face. "Your dad invited me."


"He invited me to stay the whole summer..." he said. He expected Adelaide to be happy, thrilled in fact, but her face was marred with worry.

"W-What about Regulus?!" She asked.

"He's back home..." Sirius said slowly. "Addy, aren't you happy?"

Adelaide blinked. "Y-yes— of course! But it doesn't make any sense..."

Her father invited Sirius for the whole summer... Just Sirius?! He hated Sirius! And what did this mean about all the other suitors? Why would they have Sirius stay with them during such an important summer?! And Sirius would be there at the same time as Mr. Riddle... her new tutor. Surely Sirius would be a distraction. None of this made any sense!

"Did he say why?! When did you know you were coming to stay with us? Why didn't regulus come too?" She asked quickly.

"Woah Ads! Slow down! I didn't know I was coming until yesterday, and he didn't really explain why to me. He talked to my parents a long time though. I tried to listen in, but they weren't even talking about me, they were talking about that creep my mum fancies."

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