|70| The Fourth September 1st

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The week leading up to Adelaide's fourth year back to school was fraught with anxiety.

She learned that Mr. Moody did in fact lose his eye after the Auror's battle with a Death Eater at the McKinnon household, but received a new magical eye from The Department of Mysteries to replace it. Adelaide begged her father for information, for any assurance that her feisty friend Marlene was okay, but all her father would tell her was that he couldn't tell her anything, which Adelaide found highly irksome. On top of all this, the only lead she'd made in regards to learning about her brother, was that there was a book with the Fawley family tree laying about who knows where.

The only thing that Adelaide had to look forward to was seeing her friends at last... to seeing Sirius.

As much as she was sure that he fancied her, Adelaide couldn't help but overthink the whole situation. Ever since the gala, she had waffled back and forth between embracing her feelings and trying to will them into nonexistence.

On one hand she was thrilled. He fancied her! Her crush was reciprocated and she felt like she could float away in happiness on that thought alone. But on the other hand. He was her best friend. And not just her best friend, but her very bestest best friend. What if their feelings ruined that friendship? Adelaide honestly didn't see how either one of them would be able to cope.

So, with all this in mind, Adelaide stepped through the barrier to Platform 9 and 3/4 on September first with uncertainty on what the train ride back to school would hold... or that she would make it there at all. You see, Adelaide, despite all her planning and preparing, was running late. 

Very late.

At 10:58am she ran towards the train, abandoning her parents with hardly a wave as she fought through the crowd of families giving their tear-filled goodbyes, waving to their children already aboard.

"Excuse me— pardon me—" she said as she bumped into countless people, dragging her trunk with one hand and holding Berwin's empty cage in the other.

Finally, she heard the engine begin to chug and began to expel a steady stream of curse words for the big red train, within full range of a few innocent first years waving out of a nearby window (their mother looked scandalized).

"Oh hello Addy! Running a little late I see!" Adelaide heard Regulus say. She glanced up mid-jog to see him leaned against the entrance, looking smug as ever.

"Help— me— dammit!" she wheezed, out of breath as she tried to make it to the now moving train entrance.

"But exercise is so very important—"


Regulus laughed then pulled out his wand, levitating her belongings onto the train before reaching out his hand and pulling Adelaide aboard with a big tug.

As soon as she regained her footing, she swatted the tall nearly fourteen year old boy. "Hey! Stop it! At least I helped you!"

Adelaide narrowed her eyes at him. "You were a total prat about it."

Regulus looked unfazed. "Come on, your hoard of mischief makers have been worried sick." he said rolling his eyes.

As the two made their way down the train toward where the Marauder's were seated, Adelaide caught the eye of a honey blonde speaking with a Hufflepuff she knew as Amos Diggory (son of Malachi Diggory, Head of the Auror Department).

"Marlene!" Adelaide yelled, throwing the empty bird cage she was holding into Regulus's hands and running at the girl at full speed, enveloping her in a large embrace. "Marlene I've been so worried!"

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