|43| Come To Wish Me Happy Birthday?

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After a grueling week of listening to Finn Rowel and his family rant about how incredibly special he was, while not-so-subtly insulting Adelaide's intelligence, the whole Fawley family (plus Sirius) breathed a sigh of relief once they were out the door. 

There was no doubt in Adelaide's mind that Finn had succeeded in getting his name scratched off the list of suitors by merit of his annoyingness alone. This left Adelaide with two other options: Dollie's sure-to-be terrible cousin Robert Selwyn, and the mysterious fourth suitor whom she knew absolutely nothing about. Thankfully, Adelaide wouldn't have to think about Dollie and her stupid cousins until after her birthday. Her thirteenth birthday to be exact. 

Growing up as an only child of fortunate means (despite her unfortunate lineage), Adelaide's parents had always given her somewhat lavish birthday gifts, her garden was just one example. But this year, her birthday wish was a simple one. She wanted to see her friends. Having Sirius around was lovely, but she missed the other boys too, as well as Regulus and Mary... She missed Lily as well, but being muggle-born, it was too much of a risk to ask her to come over as well.

However, she only voiced this wish to Sirius, knowing that it would only cause further strife between her and her parents. She settled on just asking that they redecorate her bedroom to literally any other color than the green and silver in which it was currently adorned. 


"ADDYKINS! WAKE UP! ADDY! COME ON BIRTHDAY GIRL! WAKEY WAKEY!" Sirius clanged in the sleepy girl's ear, shaking her awake the morning of August 14th. "ADDY COME ON ITS ALMOST SUN-UP!" 

"Stop. Shaking. Me. I swear I will hex you." she mumbled with malice. 


Adelaide had only ever used wandless magic at home once before, and that was on creepy Mr. Riddle's cup, but this seemed like as good a time as any to try it out again. 

"Avis!" she mumbled, haphazardly throwing her hand in the direction of the annoying boy. 


Adelaide smirked in her sleep, but then a second later realized that she really did need to get up. 

"Oh merlin!" she exclaimed, sitting up-right, hair so messy that it could have been mistaken as a bird's nest, looking for her misplaced wand. "Ah Ha! Found ya!" 

"UUGHHAAA! Adelaide Rose Fawley! You get these winged vermin away from me or I swear to merlin I will throw Dorris into the black lake the second we get back to school!!!" 



"FINE! Finite! Now no more of this chitchat! Where's your wand?!" she exclaimed bossily. 

"Chit Chat?! CHIT CHAT?! I was being attacked by a bunch of stupid magic birds!!" 

"Shhh. Now are you going to do this with me or not?" she asked loftily.

"Ugh... stupid spoiled wandless magic doing princess..." Sirius grumbled under his breath as he pulled out his wand, joining Adelaide in placing the tip to their hearts.

"Amato Animo Animato Animagus,"  they chanted in unison. 

"Adelaide!" Called a voice from outside the door. Adelaide quickly placed the wand onto the nightstand and climbed back into bed. Leaving Sirius standing all alone next to her bed looking completely exasperated. 

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