|25| You Drool More Than I Do

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It was the last Saturday in April when Lily Evans stood in front of the five Marauders with a clipboard in hand, looking rather teacher-like. "Alright, so, you've already mastered the Patronus," the Auburn haired witch began "-which means we still need to get the ingredients to make the potion, have you go the month, full moon to full moon, with those stupid leaves in your mouths saying the incantation nightly, and.."

"Incantation?! What incantation?" Sirius exclaimed with panic in his grey eyes.

"Pads relax. I have it written down for everyone." Adelaide shushed.

"Oh. Okay."

"As I was saying... you say the incantation for the month ending on a visible full moon. Remus, did you get a chance to check when the full moons will be?"

"May 16th to June 15th." Remus answered a bit too quickly.

"Oh. Well that lines up nicely, although I still expect you all to study for your end of term exams."

"Yeah, yeah, Lils," Adelaide said with a dismissive wave. Lily's brows creased a little, but she decided to let it go.

"So it will have to be a visible full moon in June for it to work... Do we know the weather predictions?" Lily asked.

"The weather seer for The Daily Prophet said it should be clear that night... but she also said that there was a strong possibility of an earthquake last week so.." Remus trailed off.

"Well... we will just have to take our chances. Now, that night, assuming you all have been able to keep the leaf in one-hundred percent of the time, you will need to spit the leaf out 'into a phial within range of the moon's pure rays.'" she quoted. " Then you will have to add in one of your own hairs, a silver teaspoon of dew that has not seen sunlight or been touched by human feet for seven days, and the chrysalis of a Death's-head Moth hawk." She explained.

The room was filled with looks of worry... along with confusion on Peter's part. They knew it would be difficult, but this was almost too much to wrap their heads around.

"You need to then keep the mixture with you until the next electrical storm over the summer... I know you all wanted to transform before then, but I just don't know if the weather is going to permit it. Adelaide's making a list of instructions for everyone on what they should do between the time you complete the mixture to when you will drink it after the storm. She's masking it with the obscurio spell to erase the writing from unwanted eyes."

"Ads, isn't that the same one you're going to use on the-- mmmphh." Peter's voice was muffled by the hand of James.

Lily rolled her eyes. She didn't even want to know.

"Alright mates!" James said with forced excitement, letting go of Peter and changing the subject. "So does everyone know their mission?" he asked, pulling out his own clipboard and standing beside Lily. "Ads, you and Sirius need to grab the leaves from Sprouty, Remus, you and Pete need to sweet talk ol' sluggy and distract him while me and Evans get the moth-things we need from the store room, and then-"

"No, I think Evans should switch with Remus. Slughorn loves her." Adelaide remarked.

"Not as much as Prongs..." Sirius whispered to her under his breath. Adelaide nudged him with her elbow and tried to hide her chuckle with a cough.

"No! But- but that wasn't the plan!" James cried out, pointing to his meticulously written plan upon his clipboard fervently.

"Remus knows where to find the moths just as well as Lily." Adelaide explained while James pouted.

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