|93| I Messed Up

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It was late Saturday night and after a long afternoon and evening of trying her hardest to nurse Adelaide back to health in time for their train ride the next day, Mary finally scampered off to bed (though Adelaide strongly suspected that she just wanted to finish packing for the two of them). So, with her brunette best friend off to Gryffindor tower, Adelaide was left alone with Sirius as he did a thorough status check if her health (Poppy left him in charge of checking her progress over night since he'd be up with her anyway, and he was taking these duties quite seriously).

"Alright, Fawley." he began importantly, with his clipboard and fluffy white quill in hand. "Are you experiencing any ringing in your ears?"

"Nope." she shook her head.

"Any dizziness?"

Adelaide sat up a bit straighter in her hospital bed and her vision went a little out of focus as she reached to place her sketch book on the nightstand. "Uh... yes..."

"Hmm..." he hummed as he scribbled onto the parchment with a loud scratching noise, biting on his lower lip in concentration. "Okay, next..." he trailed off as he leaned forward so that his face was right in front of hers. She was mildly excited that he might kiss her... but he was just inspecting her eyes. "Uneven pupil dilation..." he murmured to himself as he scratched away on the parchment once more. "Alright... Now I need to check if your speech is slurred... so just repeat after me." Adelaide nodded. "I love Sirius Orion Black the Third."

Adelaide smirked. "I love... my shuper shexy healer boyfriend, Shirius Orion Black the Third." she said, intentionally slurring her words just to annoy him.

"Ugh! Addy! I need you to take this seriously!" he complained.

"I Siriusly find you super sexy!" Adelaide said, mocking his annoyed tone.

Sirius rolled his eyes, but Adelaide could tell he appreciated her complement. "Okay... now how's the head doing?"

Adelaide frowned. Her minds eye was instantly filled with the image of a weird tapestry on the seventh floor of Barnabas the Barmy being whacked over the head with clubs as he tried to train some trolls for the ballet... That was probably the best description for how her head felt in that moment, but instead she said, "Still kind of hurts..."

Sirius frowned and looked at her with worry clouding his grey eyes. "You know it would hurt less if you'd just take some more of that painkiller potion, Ads—"

"No." Adelaide said firmly. "It'll make me all weird if I have anymore. If I talk to my dad later I don't want to accidentally blurt out something about going to Mary's..."

Sirius sighed. Of course that was the reason, he thought to himself. He wished, not for the first time, that either he or Adelaide had been able to talk to her father and clear this whole thing up... Unfortunately, Sirius was a bit too preoccupied to chit-chat after the game on account of trying to murder 'the little shit that tried to kill his girlfriend', and Adelaide had made it very clear that she wouldn't speak to her father unless under extreme duress (no matter how many times Sirius urged her otherwise). "Hmm... Fine... So, Any nausea?"

Adelaide took a long moment to consider this question. "Mmmm, yes."

Once again Sirius scribbled onto the clipboard, dark hair falling into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance that only he could achieve and Adelaide couldn't help but admire both how handsome he was becoming and how well he took care of her.

"You know, I think I agree with Poppy, Siri... you'd make a very good healer." Adelaide said thoughtfully with a soft smile. "You should really think about applying for that internship at Saint Mungo's—"

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