|18| Girls Day

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"TUFTS! Why are you abandoning us!?" James whined one unseasonably chilly morning in early April as they finished their breakfast.

"We have the furry little solution to work on! And the you-know-what! Come on!" Sirius whinged.

"Yeah! Come on Addy! You know that if you're not there we won't get anything done!" Complained Peter. "Besides, only you can charm the m-" his voice was quickly muffled by James's hand while Sirius gave him a look.

"As much as I'm on your side with this Tufts, Wormy's right." Remus said leading peter to give a small proud smile. "We won't get a single useful thing done without you around."

"Oh you all are too dramatic! It's just one day! You'll live!" Adelaide exclaimed getting slightly irritated.

"But Addykins!!" Sirius whined again, "It's not just any day! It's a Saturday! SATURDAYS ARE FOR PLOTTING, PLANNING, SCHEMING AND—"

"Screaming?" Adelaide guessed.

"Well that wasn't what I was going to say... but that works too I suppose." Sirius conceded.

"You ready Ads?" Mary McDonald asked with a cheery smile, joining the conversation.

"You can't have her!" James said childishly with his arms crossed standing between Adelaide and the dark haired witch.

"Oh relax Potter," Mary said playfully. "I'll bring her back safe and sound. I promise." She told the boys with sincere brown eyes.

"What is she going to do with you Tufts?!" Sirius asked worriedly. Mary smiled in amusement while Adelaide became more and more irritated. Mary had always been fascinated by Addy's friendship with the boys. They were so protective of her, understandably given what she went through when she was at home. But Mary found it especially sweet how much Sirius worried about her.

"We're only having a girls day! Would you stop being such a melodramatic poodle?" Adelaide snapped to the curly haired boy.

"Don't call me a poodle you traitorous feline!" Sirius snapped back, trying not to smile when he was supposed to be sulking.

"Just calling them as a see them." She said with a shrug, smirking as she did so. "I'll see you all tomorrow." She told the group of emotional boys. She turned to whisper to Remus, "Moony, can you please make sure they don't do anything stupid.." Remus gave her a look, "Well... not anything too stupid." She corrected.

"I'll do my best Ads," Remus said with a chuckle, then turning to see the other three boys begging Mary to let Adelaide hang out with them instead. He shook his head and tutted. "You'd think she was taking her out of the country or something the way those three go on." He muttered to himself.


Mary and Adelaide had planned out a whole day of 'Best Friend Bonding Activities' including painting their nails, doing makeovers, gossiping, playing truth or dare, and eating copious amounts of sweets. Mary had also planned a 'surprise activity' that Adelaide was dying to figure out.

Mary grew up with two sisters, much older than her, named Martha and Madeline who went to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France. Mary had never been able to do all the cheesy girly things with anyone before. She had tried to convince her dorm mates before she was friends with Adelaide, but they never really got into it. Adelaide, on the other hand, was giddy about the idea. Lily was her best friend as well now, but Mary was like the sister she had never had. Between her and the Marauders, they were more like family than her own blood.

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