|3| The Disgraced Duo

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After the Howler incident, Adelaide and Sirius quickly became the best of friends, which was a new thing for her. She'd never really had friends before, unless you counted snooty Cleo Greengrass. Thankfully, Sirius was a lot more fun than Cleo.

Initially, they bonded over their shared 'black sheep' status within their respective families, but the more they got to know each other, the more they found that they genuinely enjoyed each others company.

They were opposites in a lot of ways. He was chatty and she was quiet. He loved attention, she avoided it. But they both loved talking about books and Quidditch, and enjoyed practicing charms on each other's school supplies for a laugh. And they made each other laugh constantly, whether it be in class, at meals, in the hallways... they were always giggling about some inside joke or another.

"Mister Black!" their exasperated Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Deimos, said one October afternoon when their laughter simply could not be contained. "If you and Miss Fawley cannot stop talking you will be moved and given detention!"

Adelaide's face flushed. One would think she was was used to be scolded by professors for such things by this point, but she still dreaded it. "We're sorry, professor."

Sirius was silent and didn't look one bit sorry. Adelaide elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow... S-sorry professor— won't happen again."

It did happen again.

And again.

But even though hanging out with Sirius got her in more trouble than she was entirely comfortable with, she still found hanging out with him much preferable to hanging out with her roommates.

After her accidental slur slip that first evening, the girls (well, mainly Lily and Marlene) pretty much ignored her (even after she stammered out an apology three days later). Mary wasn't so bad (meaning she didn't give her dirty looks like the other two), but Adelaide didn't spend enough time in her own dormitory to get to know any of them, opting instead to hang out with Sirius in his dormitory.

Naturally, spending time in the boys' dorm meant she spent quite a bit of time with Sirius's other friends (and roommates) as well.

James Potter was, of course, Sirius's best mate (besides Adelaide). They bonded over the train ride there and had been attached at the hip ever since. Despite his energetic, messy appearance, he was very clever and his was the cleanest part of the dormitory.

Remus Lupin was also quite clever, but much shyer than the other two boys. He was tall for his age, and had slightly frizzy sandy hair, amber eyes, and peculiar scars that slashed through the freckles on his face (Adelaide thought it would be rude to ask about them and just figured he just had a badly behaved rabbit or something). He and Adelaide loved chatting about muggle books— he was an only child as well and had read nearly as many books as she had growing up. He was also funny. But not in an obvious way... He mostly said witty things under his breath that would crack her and the boys up and leave the rest of the world clueless.

Lastly, there was little Peter Pettigrew. Pudgy with droopy blue eyes and short straw colored hair, Peter seemed a little younger than his age being the smallest of the group (excluding Adelaide). He was even shyer than Remus and often got nervous about odd things, but Remus insisted that he was 'quite a nice fellow' and so they all made sure to include him in things.

With the boys, Adelaide discovered a brand new mischievous side to her that she never knew existed.

It started out small.

The boys, like many boys their age, were obsessed with the idea of pulling pranks. And since Adelaide spent all her free time with them, she was inevitably roped into helping them from time to time.

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