|42| People Are Kind To Those They Love

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"Sirius... It's been a week... How long are you planning to keep up this whole vow of silence thing?" Adelaide asked sadly, creeping into his room wearing her pink cat slippers, purple night gown, and a pout upon her lips.

Sirius 'hmmphed' from where he sat reading in his big squashy bed.

"Padfoot... I miss you..."

Sirius considered calling off the whole stupid plan right then and there, as he saw her look at him with big pleading dark green eyes, but he didn't. He sat still and went back to reading 'quidditch through the ages', masking the deep longing he had to talk to his best friend, to hear her laugh, to see her smile, to hug her... No. He couldn't feel those things. This was for her own good. At least that's what he told himself.

Truth was, Sirius was long past actually being upset with her. He was just keeping up the whole silent treatment charade because he was being a stubborn idiot that was too prideful to say he was sorry for blowing up on her.

After a long few moments of silence, Adelaide sat down on the edge of the fluffy bed. "Finn will be here tomorrow," She informed him softly, "and the Weather Seer for the Daily Prophet said there's a chance of an electrical storm around the time of my birthday..." she added. Sirius looked up, grey eyes full of so many different emotions: excitement, regret, sadness... "Also, I planned a little birthday party for Mimsy in a few days in the garden. It will really just be me and you... or I guess maybe just me... and some of the other house elves she's friends with from the other pureblood houses. I already warned her not to invite Kreature though..." she added. Sirius's face tilted into an involuntary half-smile, but he quickly hid his face behind the book.

Adelaide gave him one last chance to say something, but when he didn't she got up to go back to her own room. She stopped briefly by the door, turning toward her silent best friend. "Goodnight Sirius." she said softly.

"Goodnight Addykins." Sirius said softly back, just after she closed the door.


"Finn here was top of his house in History of Magic!" Sigurd Rowle said proudly, looking over at his smug son.

Adelaide had to hide her scoff/laugh with a small cough, sharing a sideways look at Sirius. He hadn't spoken to her all day, but he also hadn't ignored her. She considered this progress.

"Adelaide was top of our whole year in Charms." Sirius said casually. Adelaide, as well as everyone else, looked on with confusion at the boy who hadn't said a word the entire night.

"Yes. She is quite gifted." Cathryn Fawley said stiffly, hating the fact that he had said the words she was thinking.

"But not in potions." Thorfinn sneered. "She nearly blew up the whole class one time." He laughed arrogantly alongside his parents. Obviously, he had forgotten that the purpose of this trip was to win over her and her family.

Mr. Fawley's normally impassive face flashed with annoyance for the pompous boy, while Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but only because you and that greasy haired git hid the last of the moonstone!" Sirius exclaimed in defense.

"Doesn't matter, she still didn't make nearly as good of marks as I did." Finn said proudly with a venomous smile.

"You little-!"

"Pads. Calm down." Adelaide whispered to the boy beside her, placing a hand on his forearm, cutting him off before he made a scene. Sirius grumbled a bit under his breath, but didn't say anymore.

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