Last nights events

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Aria's POV:

"Wo, what a night." Hanna said stumbling down the stairs.
"Han did you drink last night?"
"Maybe a little."
"Oh god not again." Ezra and I said at once.
All the sudden the couple of the year start walking down the stairs hand and hand. Spencer was wearing what looked like Toby's shirt. Oh my god they finally did it!

Toby's POV:

"Hey guys, what's up?" Spencer asked.
"What was up with y'all last night?" Hanna asked smirking. Oh no here it comes.
"What are you talking about?"
"Well I may have been a little drunk but I do recall hearing "Oh Toby."
all night long.
Spencer started to lunge at Hanna but I pulled her back before things got ugly.
"Yea, Hanna and I heard both heard screaming coming from y'all's room. Now was that Spencer or Toby screaming." Caleb said starting to laugh.
I almost went towards Caleb but Spencer stopped me.
Well all sat down at the table, while I was hoping nobody would bring up any of last nights events up.
"So Spence how was it?"
"How was what?"
"Y'all are such bad liars." Hanna stated.
Spencer and I both started to blush.
"It was fine." Spencer said.
I was starting to get annoyed hearing them trying to invade our sexual life.
"Just fine? Really Spencer?" Aria said surprisingly.
I couldn't take it anymore.
I stood up from the table and walked towards the bathroom.

Spencer's POV:

I saw Toby get up so I followed him to the bathroom.
"Tobes?" I said knocking on the door. "Yea?" He said almost sound like he was crying.
"Hey can I come in?"
"Sure." He opened the door and let me in.
"Toby what's wrong."
"Do you regret it? Do you regret what we did last night." His head maybe turned away but I could sense him on the verge of tears.
"No, no of course not."
"Was it really that bad? Did I do something wrong?"
"Toby, no! Last night was amazing! It was one of the best nights of my life."
"Just one?"
"I'm saving the others for other anniversaries and other things we do together."
He smiled "so it wasn't terrible?"
"You were incredible."
"So were you."
"Would you ever consider doing it again?"
"Of course just at the right time."
"Would now be a good time?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
I stared at his lips for a minute then said "Totally."
He put his hands on my hips and lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"Wait then why did you tell the rest of them it was fine?"
"Do you really want to include them in this?"
Our lips connected as Toby was trying to unlock the bathroom door . It's kind of hard when you have someone wrapped around your waist. We got to our room and my back was slammed against the door as it closed. My arms were tightly wrapped around Toby's neck as he was kissing my neck. He walked us over to the bed he ended up falling backwards with me on top of him.
We both laughed.
He flipped us over and pulled his shirt over my head. He made a trail of kisses up my stomach. I arched my back as I pulled his hair. I lifted his shirt up once again revealing his abs. "Hmmmmm....Toby." I moaned.
"What?" He asked confused.
"Promise me something."
"Never leave me."
"I swear on my life that I will never leave you."
"I love you so much." He said.
"I love you too." I said as I dug my nails into his back.
The rest of our clothes were pealed off and were thrown all over the room again but I didn't pay attention to where they went. He didn't even need my permission to do what was about to happen.
"Yea." He said.
"I'm going to scream now." I smiled.
"Do it." He smirked.
"TOBY! Don't, don't stop!" I said laughing.
Of course I did that to see if Hanna and Caleb were listening but other people probably heard it too.
"Who do you think heard that?" He asked smiling.
"Duh...Everyone probably even the neighbors" I giggled.
He collapsed on top of me dying of laughter.

"Well it sounds like they're at it again."
Hanna said. Lifting the newspaper back up and shaking her head.

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