The beginning

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They both began in high school 8 years ago.

Toby's POV:


She dropped her pen on the floor and I knew it was the perfect way to say hi. I picked it up and gently handed the pen to her, our hands touched as we looked up into each others eyes I knew she was the one. Spencer Hastings. "Hi I'm Toby Cavanaugh." I tried saying politely without choking on my breath. "I'm I'm a Spencer......Hastings." Turns out she was the one studdering.

She quickly turned her head so she wouldn't smile. During class we both couldn't pay any attention we were to busy looking back and fourth and smiling at each other.

"Mr. Cavanaugh, what was the most important play Shakespeare wrote?" Mrs. Montgomery asked. "Ummm... I'm sorry I don't know....... I said until I was interrupted by Spencer "Romeo and Juliette." She said then quickly placing her head down on her desk. "Correct." Mrs. Montgomery said. Thank god right when she said that the bell rang."Mr. Cavanaugh, Miss Hastings, she began, we both walked over "now Toby I'm starting to think you need a study partner, Miss Hastings will you do it?" "Of course." Spencer replied. Then we both started to walk out of the room but Mrs. Montgomery grabbed my arm and stopped me then said, "my daughter is Spencer's best friend break her and Aria will most likely break your face." I laughed and said "yes mam." I walked down the hall way then Spencer came up behind me saying "so where do you want to study.. Library, the brew, it doesn't matter to me." She began then I stopped her. I grabbed her arm opened the janitors closet next to me and pulled her in side with me. "Spencer we can't be talking about this in the hallway, I have a reputation remember do you really want to tutor the boy who was blamed for a murder, people might think that you might be my next victim." "Toby I want to, ok , I don't think you hurt her, I think your different..... Different then any boy I've ever met, I want to tutor you." She said with a compassionate look in her eyes. I turned my head to where she couldn't see my face and opened the door and walked as fast as I can out of the school. I sat on the bench out side trying to hold back tears of what other people think of me, but Spencer saw the real me the boy who was in innocent.

Spencer's POV


I look out the window of the school to see Toby sitting on the bench tears running down his face. "Toby?" "What Spencer?" "Are you ok?" "No." "Are you mad at me, for tutoring you?" "No.....hell no." I grabbed his face with my hands and wiped the tears away. "I know people have been giving you I hard time, but I trust you, I know you would never hurt anyone, or me." "I haven't heard someone say they trust me in a while." "Well I do, I trust you." I placed one of my hands on his knee assuring him that he could trust me too.

"Mrs.Montgomery they need to get back to class!" Principle Hackett said sternly. "No.... I'm giving them an accuse they both need this, to trust each other." "Fine but only this once, you know how the other Hastings feel about him!" "I do, but I think love can over come that."

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