His Girlfriend...

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You were walking around the hallways of school, making your way to your first class...

You spotted Jimin at the end of the hallway, talking to a girl...

He looked up and saw you, and he smiled...

"Y/n, hey how are you?" He started...

"I'm doing good, how about you?" You replied...

"Good...Oh Y/n, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Seulgi.." Jimin held her hand...

"Nice to meet you Y/n..." Seulgi smiled..

"You too..." You smiled..

The bell rang, signalling it's time for first period...

"Oh we gotta get going Y/n, see you around okay?" Jimin explained...

You nodded and went to your first hour, which was History...

You sat in class, taking notes...but while doing so, you were thinking about something...

"I'm happy that he has someone he loves, but...why do I feel jealous?" You said in your head...

You packed up your stuff once the bell ring and went to your next period, which both Seulgi and Jimin were in as well...

You and Jimin always sat next to one another, but today he sat with Seulgi...

After second period you went to third, then fourth then to lunch and went on your day...

You texted Jimin to see if he wanted to hang after school, but he said he was going out with Seulgi this evening...which was okay with you...

This happened for months, you would ask him if he wanted to hang out with you but he would say no...which makes since because of Seulgi...

But it has been 7 months since they started dating...and it made you angry since he never hung out with you...

He came up to you one day...

"Hey Y/n...would you li-..." He started...

"Oh, no thanks...I got plans this evening..." You replied...

"Okay...maybe some other time then.." He smiled slightly...

It was your turn to reject him...it made you angry that he's been doing this for the past 7 months, and he's your best friend...he would never turn you down...

About a few weeks later, the previous weeks he's asked before but again, you rejected him...

He finally snapped...

"Okay Y/n...what the h*ll is up?" He spoke through his teeth once he dragged you inside of the janitor's closet...

"Oh what's up? Oh nothing much since my best friend barely hangs out with me anymore..." You fought back...

"I tried to...but Seulgi wanted to do something everytime you asked..." He replied with a low voice...

"You could've said no..." You looked down...

"She doesn't like when someone tells her no, so I couldn't..." He stated...

"But still, if you would've told her what we would be doing she might be okay about it..." You said...

"Y/n...I did, but she doesn't trust me, she's afraid I might cheat on her..." He stated once again...

"If she doesn't trust you, then she's not the person to be with..." You mumbled...

"So what you're saying is that your jealous of me being with her? Is that it?" He questioned...

"Did I ever say anything that relates to that?" You questioned him..

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