Pregnancy ~Final part!~

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~4 a.m. ...9 months...~

You suddenly woke up and 4 a.m., that's when you felt pain in your knew it was the contractions kicking in...

"Jimin...honey wake up..." You shook his shoulder...

"Hm? Honey what's wrong?" Jimin asked with a sleepy voice...

"The's on it way..." You explained...

His eyes got wide...he got out of the bed and helped you up...he then started getting stuff prepared for the hospital...he was saw he was panicking but he wasn't showing it...He grabbed his car keys and the bag with the baby items inside...he got them into the car, and put in the carrier...then he came back and helped you to the car...once you got inside, Jimin got in the car and drove to the hospital quickly...

Once you both arrived at the hospital Jimin got out of car and helped you out...he then grabbed the stuff and helped you into the hospital...

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked...

"It's my girlfriend, she's having contractions..." Jimin explained...

"We need a wheelchair in the waiting, we have a young lady having contractions..." The lady said into a walkie talkie...

"One will be here any's ok honey breathe through it..." The lady helped keeping you calm...

You kept breathing in and out, staying as calm as possible...but every minute a quick pain would come through...

"Watch out, wheelchair coming through!" A nurse said...

The nurse came up to you...him and Jimin helped you sit down...Jimin followed behind as they wheeled you to a room...once they got you inside a room, the nurse helped you get on a hospital gown and into bed so you can relax...they got you attached to an IV to keep your calm...

Jimin came in and saw you on the bed...he sat down next to you in a chair...

"You nervous?" Jimin asked...

"A little...what if something goes wrong?" You asked worriedly...

"I promise, nothing will go wrong..." Jimin reassured you...

A nurse came in aftr about ten minutes, he checked to see how far you were...

"She's about 7 centimeters...she's getting closer..." The nurse informed...

"Thank you..." Jimin smiled...

The nurse left the room and Jimin was still holding your looked into his eyes as you felt another pain in your lower leaned your head back and winced...

"It's ok babe...just breathe..." Jimin said as you squeezed his hand...

You breathed in and out deep breaths...Jimin leaned down and kissed you on the forehead gently...

~1 hour later also at 10 centimeters...~

You were finally at the point where you needed to start pushing...two nurses came came in with a couple of towels and a little temporary crib for your little girl...the other nurse came over and helped you have your legs open wide...

"Alright honey...on the count of 3...I want you push as hard as you can, okay?" The nurse explains...

You nodded and braced yourself...Jimin was on the side of the bed holding your hand...

"1...2...3...push!" She counted...

You pushed as hard as you could...after about 30 seconds of push you stopped and took a breath...

"That's right...keep doing it...push!" The nurse says...

~50 minutes later...~

You were at the last push...your face had sweat all over...

"One more push honey, then you'll be done..." Jimin encouraged you...

"Jimin...I'm getting tired...I can't do it..." You started giving in a bit...

"Honey, honey don't say can do it..." Jimin encouraged more...

You nodded and sat up just a bit more...

"Alright last time...then your beautiful daughter will be born..." The nurse said...

You pushed with the energy you had left within relaxed as you heard the cries of your daughter...Jimin looked at your daughter and smiled widely...

"Honey, she has your nose and eyes..." Jimin said...

"She has the color of your eyes too..." You smiled...

Jimin leaned down and kissed you on the lips...

"You did it did it..." Jimin smiled...

You smiled as you saw the nurse bringing over your daughter...she was wrapped in a blanket with a little pink hat on...she handed you your sat up gently so you wouldn't wake her up...

"Hi little one..." You whispered happily...

Jimin stood over you and smiled at your beautiful daughter...he gently kissed her forehead....

"Hi little ones, it's your appa and eomma..." Jimin whispered...

~After about a couple of hours, they checked your daughter for any health problems since birth...they said nothing went wrong and Jimin let you get dressed while holding little baby Park Ji Su, once you were finished, Jimin handed her over and you both walked out with all of your things...a nurse was waiting outside with a wheelchair so you wouldn't walk all the way to your car...

Jimin led the way to your car, once you all arrived to the car, the nurse helped you up and you got in the back of the strapped your daughter into the carrier and the nurse shut the door once you were in...

"Thank you so much for the help..." Jimin thanked the nurse and bowed...

The nurse smiled and walked back into the hospital...Jimin got in the car and drove back home safely...

You all walked into the house and you walked into the baby's sat down in the rocking chair and started rocking slowly...Jimin came in and saw you in the chair...he smiled at the sight of his two beautiful baby girls...

He walked closer and kneeled down in front of looked at Jimin and smiled...

"Y/N...we've been together for about 3 years and we just started a family together...I want to take our relationship a step I want to ask you...will you do the honor and be my wife?" Jimin opened up a red velvet box which held a diamond ring...

"Yes...yes I will marry you..." You smiled widely with tears coming out of your eyes...

Jimin smiled and put the ring on your finger...he then got up and hugged you without waking the baby...he then stood next to you and watched you and the baby girl...

"I love my two girls..." Jimin said with a wide smile...

You blushed at what he said, you then felt a kiss on the top of your head...

You both then lived with a happy family and eventually got married once Ji Su was about 2 years old...


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