Say Yes

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~Recommended song: Say Yes by SEVENTEEN~

You were walking around the school campus, holding your books tight to your chest...when you saw the schools most popular boys...Jimin, Jungkook, Suga, Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung...

Jimin was the most recognizable in the group for looked at the guys and you saw Jimin look at you and smirk...which made you look away and blush a bit...

"Stop it Y/'ll never have a chance to be with him...he's more popular than you..." You told yourself...

You sat down at a lunch table and got started on your were the kind of person who would stay after school to get work done...

Anyways, you knew Jimin was a player...he's been with 5 other girls, do 'it' with them, then breaks up with them a week didn't trust him...but you kinda liked him a bit, which you cursed yourself that you liked him...but you had to admit it...he was hot asf...

Jimin suddenly came and sat down next to you and smiled...

"Hey Jimin..." You said, pretending to be annoyed...

"Hey cutie..." He smirked...

You scoffed at his reply...

"Like you would call me cute...are you okay?" You said and put your hand against his forehead...

"I'm fine, just wanted to talk to you..." Jimin replied as he took your hand off his forehead...

"Is this some kind of joke your friend dared you to do?" You asked with a bit of anger...

"Why would you think that?" Jimin asked...

"Cause your a f*cking playboy that's why...this exactly what happened last time!" You got more angry...

You got up and grabbed your stuff and walked home...

~Jimin's POV~

I sat there shocked...I justed wanted to talk, I really like Y/N...that's why I act like a playboy...I got up and walked down the hall and to my locker to get my stuff...I saw my friends waiting for me...I ignored them and walked straight home...

~Author's POV~

You walked into your house and set down your went into the kitchen and grabbed some water and set it on the coffee table in the living room, you grabbed your homework and started working on it...when suddenly you started feeling a pain in your chest, you grabbed your chest and winced...

"Ugh, what the hell? Why sudden chest pains?" You asked yourself...

You called the hospital in town to schedule an appointment one day after school...once your got it set up you got back to your homework...once it was finished you got into some PJs and went to bed...

~Next Day...~

The next day you went to school...time to time you would have the same pain in your had a class with Jimin...he would notice you grabbing your chest and wonder why...

When the school day ended you got into your car and drove to the hospital...once you got there, you checked in and after about 5 minutes they called you in...they diagnosed you with heart failure...when you found that out you were wiped the tears threatening to fall from your eyes...

"If this gets worse, we'll have to put you on oxygen for full time...but for now it's temporary...okay?" The doctor explains...

All you could do was nod...they released went up to the desk and paid for the portable tank and for the put the portable oxygen in the back seat and got into the drivers seat and went would only need it during the day at school so you decided to keep it in your room and put it on in the morning after you get dressed...

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