Memories ~ Preschool to High School

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You and your boyfriend Jimin were out in the middle of a both were running around like little kids chasing each other around...when suddenly Jimin disappeared somewhere in the grass...

"Jimin? Jimin where are y-" You started...

When suddenly you were pulled down by a pair of arms wrapped around your yelped as you were pulled down...

"Jimin-ah! You scared me!" You laughed a bit then smacked his arm lightly in a playful way...

He smiled at you then sat up with you straddling his lap...he put his hand behind your head and pulled your head towards his gently...foreheads touching one smiled and he smirked...he the pulled you in for a smiled into the kiss and broke away...

"Hey Y/N...remember when we first met?" Jimin asked...

"Yeah...we were so little back then...omg..." You blushed...


You were walking along side your eomma on the way to was your first day of preschool so you were nervous...

"Well, here's my daughter's first day of preschool...I hope you meet a lot of friend today..." Your eomma smiled...

"Eomma, I'm scared..." You hid behind her...

When suddenly a little boy with black hair came up to you and your mother...

"Why hello there young man, what's your name?" You eomma asked...

"Hi, My named is Park Jimin..." The little boy introduced himself...

"It's nice to meet you Park Jimin...this is my daughter Y/N L/N...Y/N say hello..." You eomma introduced you...

"H-hi..." You said shyly...

Jimin smiled at you and held out his hand...

"Here...I'll walk you to our classroom, since we're gonna be in the same one!" Jimin was extremely happy...

You walked out and grabbed his hand...

"Bye my daughter, I love you..." Your eomma kissed the top of your head and left...

"Bye eomma!" You said...

You and Jimin, hand-in-hand walked inside the school with your and Jimin hung out for the majority of preschool and became best friends...

End of flashback...~

"Oh my god, that was when I met my first friend, who is now the love of my life..." You said and looked at Jimin...

"I can't help to be more glad that happened..." Jimin smiled widely and kissed you on the cheek...

"Don't forget about middle school either..." Jimin mentioned...

"Oh yeah...that's when you introduced me to the guys!" You remembered...

~2nd flashback to middle school...

"Jimin-ah, do you think they'll like me?" You were worried...

"Of course they will...don't be worried..." Jimin reassured you...

You and Jimin were holding hands and walking to lunch...he was going to introduce you to his friends...

"Ayo Jimin!" One of them said...

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