Car Wreck

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You and Jimin were heading to visit his family in Busan, you were driving on the highway about to head into the city, when suddenly Jimin saw a drunk driver swerving all over the road, and caused other drivers to crash into each other, but Jimin tried to stop before you got hit but it was too late, the car fell into a ditch near the highway, you blacked out but Jimin barely almost blacked out as well...

~Jimin's POV~

I slowly started to move and then I saw Y/N...I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and slowly went over to her, she passed out...I opened up my car door and quickly went to her side and get her out...once I got her out of the car I laid her down on the flat ground above the ditch...I held her frail hand...hoping that she would wake up soon...I tried to push myself off the ground but my wrist hurt badly...

~Author's POV~

You were slowly starting to wake up, you tried to sit up but you winced in pain as you tried, Jimin looked towards you, you started to cry..."It hurts!" You hollered...

Jimin hated seeing you in pain and said..."It'll be okay'll be fine..." He said trying to not break down...when suddenly he heard ambulance sirens, they stopped by the other cars...they got out and Jimin got up even though his wrist hurt badly and..."HEY!! Over here!!" He yelled and waved his hand...

They quickly got a gurney and picked you up gently and placed you on there...Jimin quickly kept up with the paramedics...once they got you in Jimin hopped in the back with you...

While on the way to the hospital Jimin held your frail hand with his good hand...he started feeling guilty...after about 5 minutes, the ambulance pulled up to the hospital...Jimin hopped out first and then the paramedics quickly got you out and into the building...they noticed you've passed out while on the way there...they quickly got you to urgent care...Jimin tried to come...but they wouldn't let him...he fought back...but they finally got him to calm down and into a room where they could treat his injuries...

~ 1 hour later~

Jimin was sitting in the waiting room when a doctor came out and called for him...he quickly got up and went to the doctor...the doctor started talking to him about your condition...

"Miss Y/N is in a stable condition, they had to put some of her rib bones back into place, one almost punctured her heart...but luckily she didn't have that happen to her...would you like to see her?" He asked at the end

He nodded his head yes, then the doctor took him to the room you were in...once he walked in and saw you...he almost broke down...seeing all the wires and stuff attached to you made him scared...he started thinking again...This is all my fault...he quickly bowed to the doctor and the doctor left and shut the door behind him...he slowly walked over to the left side of you and sat down...he slowly grabbed your hand...and held it...he kissed the back of it and that was when he broke down...he then whispered out loud..."This was all my fault! I didn't stop in time...I feel so stupid..." You slowly woke up to see him breaking down...just like him, you hate seeing him slowly moved your hand and put it up against his cheek and wiped his tears...

" wasn't your fault..." You said weakly

"Yes it was...I didn't stop in time..." He whispered loud enough for you to hear

He got up and you pulled him down by his cheek...gently...and kissed him on the lips...

"I love you, Jimin...don't ever say things like this wasn't your was that drunk drivers fault he did this..." You said

"I love you too..." He said

After about 6 months, you were finally healed up and ready to go visit his parents again...this time with no accidents...eventually 1 year later on your guy's 3rd anniversary...he asked you to married and had a little boy!


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