Dr. Park

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You were in the ambulance, on the gurney...bleeding heavily from your abdomen...why??


You and your mother were having a day out together...when people went crazy and started screaming...

You were confused on why, when suddenly your mother grabbed your hand and you both started running, you were close to home, but suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your right side...

You looked down to see blood, right where a bullet went through...you fell and held your side..

Your mother called the police and an ambulance, the police managed to stop the shooter, and took him to jail, and an ambulance got your onto the gurney and put pressure on your wound, and drove to the hospital...

End of Flashback...~

You were fading in and out of consciousness, you were in so much pain, you could barely take it...

And that's when your passed out...

~Your mother's POV...~

We arrived at the hospital, I was worried about my daughter...

I can't lose her, she's the only one I have...

Suddenly the doctor came out, and he was a good looking man, he came up to me and pulled back...

"Your daughter is stable, but it'll be a while before we get her into surgery...she lost a lot of blood, we also manged to control the bleeding but she is very weak..." He explained...

"Please Doctor...she's the only person I have left...I don't wanna lose her, not now, not ever...so please save her...even if it means doing the surgery in her room..." I pleaded...

He sighed and said...

"I'll see what we can do..." He said then left..

I sat down extremely worried...

~A few hours later & Author's POV...~

You woke up to a bright light, you knew you werr in the hospital...you looked down to see stitches on your abdomen..

You tried sitting up but you were in extreme pain...

"Easy hun...they got the bullet out, you'll be okay...just take it easy..." Your mother whispered with a smile...

You nodded and closed your eyes...

Your mother went out, since the doctor called to see her for a few minutes...

~Your mother's POV...~

"So your daughter will be perfectly fine, some stitches will fall out after a while, but some other's we'll have to remove...but I do recognize your daughter..." Dr. Park said...

"You do?" I was confused...

"We were friends in high school...but she hasn't talked to me for a few years...." He explained...

"Oh now I remember! She talked about you all the time...she said you were really nice.." I smiled...

"R-really?" He got a bit shy...

"Yeah! Well, we'll see you in about six weeks or so...thank you so much.." I smiled...

I signed papers for Y/n to be discharged...

~Author's POV...~

You were in the bathroom getting dressed, you looked at your stitches...

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