Characters & Story

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◇ Again, I advise you not to read this if you haven't finished with the book, because it contains major spoilers that are here in need to explain some situations. ◇

Alesan Bladestorm/Darkash

I mentioned in Author's Notes that I took his name from an orphan boy you can adopt in Skyrim and therefore developed his story. As human, I imagined him rather tall, slim, but muscular with hair black as raven's feathers and eyes green as forest. He is also very pale and often looks tired.

If you were confused by his hair, I'll explain that: As human, he had medium length hair, sharp bangs covered his eyes and when he became a vampire he let his hair grow. As a vampire, I imagined him with slightly curly hair, shoulder-length. After he was captured by Dawnguard, when they tried to make him human again, they cut his hair, shaved his head in order to hide any resemblance with Alesan Darkash so that it won't invoke any memories inside him. By the end of the book, Alesan lets his hair grow and he becomes Alesan Darkash once again.

Since his young age, he is persecuted by this feeling of not belonging anywhere and this what haunts him entire time. Eventually, when he sees Blaise has finally found himself, he feels jealousy and desperation to achieve that feeling. That's why he falls under Sylvianne's influence. She shows him the true vampire power and this feeling of superiority taints his soul. Sylvianne was never bloodlusty as he was, but she created a monster after she allowed Alesan to experience the power he yearned for so long.

In the end, Alesan was always a character who wanted to be something he is not. I dare to say he was even too unadaptable and chaotic, frustrated by all of that. His wild nature and great ambitions which had no limit made him a villain. Alesan is the picture of person who can be destroyed by their own dream.

Blaise Silver-Storm

Blaise's name is also taken after an adoptable orphan in Skyrim. He is tall, more muscular than Alesan and fights with two-handed weapons while Alesan is more type for sneaking.

I imagined him having short hair, not shaved, but still not long as Alesan's at the end of the book. The colour is something between the bronze or brown while the eyes have that deep, ocean-blue colour.

One of Blaise's greatest virtues is his bravery and readiness to help his friends and people he cares for. However, he is sometimes even more impulsive than Alesan and can be pretty reckless, not forward-thinking. That's why he is not so great in strategy.

Blaise is actually a mirror image of Alesan. I wanted to present two characters who will be a complete contrast, but in the end they absorb eachother's nature and become the same. They cannot exist without eachother. If one disappears, another loses his sense. That was the role of both characters, Alesan and Blaise.

Sylvianne Darkash

Or Silver Witch if you want. She is my own character, put in the story instead of Serana. I kind of made two characters in Serana's place, Sylvianne and Mina.

Before Mina, Sylvianne was considered as one of the most powerful vampires and Dawnguard's greatest enemy. For a long time she was attacking Dawnguard's troops and winning, until she disappeared for more than thirty years. She was then found by Alesan in Dimhollow Crypt.

Sylvianne gained the nickname Silver Witch by her appearance. She is pale, with long, wavy hair silver as the silver ingot. In her plain white appearance, eyes are the ones that strike the opponent, the red fire in them. However, she is also very beautiful and called the Witch only because of her enchanting beauty which affected Alesan.

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