28. Family

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The memory of that day, that moment, was deeply cut into Alesan's heart and mind. The moment when he opened his amber, reddish eyes and saw unfamiliar surroundings. Soft green fabric caressed his pale, deadly skin and the pillow displayed his never before so dark locks.

The odd feeling of new body overcame him, the emotion was incomprehensible. As if he was improved. The scent, the sight, the sound....it all hissed like a snake, dozen times stronger.

His eyes danced around the room in which he was, until they finally stopped on the pile of silver, almost white hair. The messy bangs covered closed, dark eyes which were framed by shadows of eternal tiredness. Red, but cold lips were slightly parted and her breathing was shallow, but peaceful.

Long nails on Alesan's fingers sent the shiver in his hands, tickling them as the hair called him to touch it. Slowly, carefully he lifted his hand and as gently as he could, grabbed one strand of hair. He flicked it between his fingers seperating dark and light strands of hair. Black. Grey. Silver. White. Ebony. Ivory. Gold. Dust.

His pointy nails gently touched the soft, pale skin of her face, leaving small white lines that quickly faded away.

Alesan wanted to see this face, to admire it as one of the ancient sculptures created by hands of masters and genius minds. Because she was carved so perfectly, like a goddess worthy of Molag Bal's glory of curse and suffering.

The pale fingers removed the hair from her face, put it behind her pointy ear and revealing the porcelain beauty of Sylvianne Darkash. She slowly opened her amber eyes, letting them shine like two fading stars until they became suns. Wide open, they traced Alesan's sharp face lines. Sharp and strong jawline was even more defined now, eyes sew the fear and respect like never before and hair could only belong to noble blood.

"You're awake."

She said with a cold tone in her voice, but the shiver was there. Her tired eyes became clear and sharp, like it suits to a Lady.

Alesan moved and felt odd, like adjusting to the new body. His muscles ached, he swore that even some bones were hurting. Most of all, he was thirsty. The mouth was so dry he could barely feel his tongue and the ache in stomach was gaping. He was starwing.

"I'm thirsty...Please, give me some water."

He barely managed to whisper. The disgustung feeling in his mouth as if his tongue will turn into dust. Sylvianne gently ruffled newborn vampire's hair and gently smiled, revealing her white fangs.

"No water, mead or wine can satisfy your thirst now. It is the blood your seeking for, Alesan."

The storm of emotions filled the rotten ribcage of his as he could not determine whether he fears, hates or secretly likes what he has become. For there, in front of him was a woman he felt a need to protect, for whom he sacrificed his life. She returned him a favour, making him better, more powerful. Should he embrace this gift?

"It was the only way to save you. I know you felt a reason to protect me, so I felt a reason to save you. There is a power far beyond us that has put us together, Alesan. Let us be allies, because you know who we vampires are. Or you still hold that belief that we are monsters, animals that deserve to die before anything else?"

Sylvianne spoke to him with her gentle, but firm voice. Alesan saw a truth in her words, truth he always grasped for.

"No. I never believed that. Dawnguard has done monstrosities either equal or worse than vampires."

"Then you know that we are the same as humans, but more ambitious, far-sighted. We seek beauty and eternity. What is greater blessing than having to spend eternity with the one you love? To be beautiful and young forever? To be stronger and faster than ordinary human? Tell me, Alesan, what was the one thing you always sought?"

She whispered into his ear, letting her pointy nose touch his cheek. Slowly, he turned toward her, inches away from her face.

"Better purpose."

"Then let us be better, together."

Soft red lips kissed Alesan's dry ones and there was his soul, faith and life sealed. He abandonded his past for happiness, fulfillment and purpose. It felt as if this is who we was supposed to be.


The sun was out, hidden behind the thick, purple curtains in their bedroom. Sylvianne lied in bed, leaning on Alesan. Together, they were forming an internal embrace, wanting this to never end.

"Have you considered any names for her?"

"Her? How do you know it's not he?"

Sylvianne chuckled at Alesan's assumption. The male vampire shrugged and ran his clawish fingers through silvet hair.

"I would like a daughter. Less trouble, more smartness. She would be great lady, just like you. Greater hero than any boy."

"You wouldn't even let her breathe. Daughters are fragile, daddies like to keep them safe. No boyfriend till she'll be at least hundred years old, right?"

"Two hundred."

Alesan said and made his pregnant wife laugh. She also wanted a daughter, but found it funny how Alesan decided for their child to be female.

"So? Do you have any names?"

She asked him, but he remained silent, almost like he was thinking really hard to choose one great name.



itch black night was at the time when their daughter was born. First vampire-born child, without anything humane inside her soul. Demon blessed my Molag Bal. Or cursed.

Aurora Borealis didn't paint the sky that night and clouds covered the stars. Soft hazes of Secunda and Masser were barely visible. But without all of that, it was still one of the most beautiful nights for Alesan Darkash. He held a small and cold body of his child and looked deeply into her flaming eyes.

"What shall we name her?"

Sylvianne asked when Alesan approached and lay next to her, on the bed where she was resting. He gave his daughter to her and little girl immediately touched long, soft, silver locks of her mother's hair. Both of them smiled at her so pure, gentle actions. There was no trace of a monster on her.

"It is hard to look at her and give her some tough name, you know. All that falls on my mind is Rosie, Sweetie, Sparkles..."

"Oh, shut up, Alesan!"

Sylvianne hushed him as they laughed together like one happy family who had everything the world could give them. It was a moment of happiness rare to see.

"Then, since anything dreadul is not welcome anymore, what do you say about Mina? It symbolizes love, or person who is loved and the one who has beautiful eyes."

"Sounds perfect. But will love and beautiful eyes be enough to her?"

Alesan asked as he gently touched Sylvianne's hand. She didn't take her eyes off Mina who was slowly falling asleep in her lap.

"The meaning of the name also holds glass. Don't you see something beautiful in it? Fragile like a glass, but also sharp so that cut. It will be her srength whenever she experiences pain. Maybe shattered, but certainly dangerous."

"As you wish, my dear."

Alesan agreed in the end, seeing the beauty in this tempting name. He could already forsee how strong his daughter will became, but than he remembered how she will gain that strength and dread occupied his already dark mind.

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