18. Dark Ash

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"Hold tight the grip of your sword."

No'El warned Alesan. Finally, they got to the part of training where they started with some fighting techniques. Alesan didn't even realise how much he missed holding the sword. It was a good feeling. Powerful.

There is only four of them left. Four competitors. Next tournament is in two days. Nobody knows what it will be. No'El put all kind of types of training. He made sure Alesan returned to his room completely anihilated after the training.

And Alesan had to admit that he liked that. He liked the pain in his muscles, he liked feeling exhausted because that meant he would have a good night sleep. He liked the sweat of hard work. He like being alive again. But he couldn't push away the thought of how everything seems three times harder. Perhaps, he really is getting old.

"That's all for today. You can go rest now."

No'El said. The Sun was almost setting. It was evening. Great. He wasted all of Alesan's day.

"Right. See you tomorrow then."

Alesan said and started heading toward the palace when he suddenly stopped.

"Hey, No'El?"

The Khajiit immediately turned to face Alesan.

"What is it?"

"I am going out in the city tonight. I thought maybe you would like to go with me. You seem all worn out of that business in palace. Some mead should make you feel better."

"Perhaps you're right. But, tell me, how exactly are you going to the city if you are not allowed outside the palace?"

Alesan nervously laughed. Maybe he shouldn't have invited No'El.

"I have my ways."

No'El sighed and rolled his icey blue eyes.

"Fine. I guess some mead will help."

Alesan nodded and smiled. Guess No'El wasn't so bad. Somehow he had more courage to invite that Khajiit with him in the city than Blaise. Blaise was always kind of too formal. And seemed rather distant lately.

Raven-haired man felt dizzy a bit, so he decided to return to his room. By the time he reached the room, he was already seeing black dots in the corner of his eyes.

He colapsed on his bed and tightly closed his eyes. It didn't help. He looked around for anything that might help him. He saw a plate on which was placed a cup of medicine by Sybille. Alesan grabbed the cup and drank every last bit of it.

The pain that appeared in his head eased. He held his eyes closed. The drink had a strange taste. He felt different. Stronger. Like his thirst was seathed. Almost.

And then he rememebered having golden circles in his green eyes. He remembered that. It was like somebody erased his memories.

But he remembered something else. The oddly familiar silver hair, warm gaze, sweet voice, red blood, heat of fire and breath of death.

Alesan could swore he heard a heartbeat right before Blaise entered the room. Faster than a blitz, Alesan straighten himself and sat on the chair next to the bed. He remained calm, though he felt a drop of cold sweat flowing on his skin behind the ear like a small waterfall.

"Ale, I brought you some ale. Wanna drink?"

Blaise asked offering a bottle of dark liquid to Alesan. Alesan smiled and took the ale. Blaise sat next to him and opened the bottle of his ale with his hard, white teeth.

"How's training going?"

Blaise would often ask that. Alesan shrugged.

"Fine. I am preparing for the next tournament. But enough about this. I don't want to get stressed out. How's your job? Anything good after killing those two vampires? Where did they come from?"

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