2. Mirror Image

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"I know it's hard, son. But you must leave the past behind."

Alesan immediatley snapped his moss green eyes open upon hearing an unfamiliar voice. It was raspy, like it belonged to an old man. And it did. There was an old man approaching. He had a long grey beard, eyes were blue and looked old, worn out. By his robes that were yellowish, with fabric details of brown and golden chains, he recgonised a priest from Stendarr temple. The healer's amulet glistened with an unnatural glow.

"Are you here to release me?"

Alesan asked, not even giving a second thought to his question. He knew that was rude. Maybe he should have asked old man for a name first. But he couldn't wait any longer. Also, Alesan was aware the question was rather pointless.

"No. That's what your superior will decide when I'm done checking you."

Old man said. He smiled, though his smile was hidden by his white and grey beard. The eyes were strange but full of sincere concern. Alesan felt as if he could trust this man. As if he should.

"How are you feeling?"

The priest asked Alesan. He was checking his reflexes by crackling with his fingers next to Alesan's ears. He pinched him by hand and knee a few times. Alesan responed well to that treatment even though his body was still very stiff and ache spread all over his spine.

"Fine. I guess. I am tired."

"That's good. It seems like you have recovered really quickly. That's amazing. The process from returning a person from vampire thrall to ordinary human is really hairy when you can't risk that you turn him into a dust with one wrong move. Luckly for you, everything went well."

"Hmph...That's comforting."

Alesan commented. The old man laughed. He was finished now and Alesan was somewhat glad the strange man was leaving. Even though he seemed trustful, Alesan always disliked the presence of priests. Vigilants of Stendarr were especially annoying sometimes. All brave and holy, yet killable like flies.

"Well, that would be all. My work here is done. I guess we won't be seeing eachother again, The Pulverizer."

Alesan frowner at priests usage of unknown name. His confused eyes asked the priest to explain what he meant.

"The Pulverizer?"

"Haven't you heard it yet? It is your title. Dawnguard gave it to you post-humanly."

Alesan nodded, almost letting his face turn into pensive, yet surprised expression. Getting a title was a big deal, after all.

"Anyway, what do you mean we won't be seeing each other again?"

Alesan shrug away his thoughts, knowing the priest will be of little help regarding the origin of that title.

"It means you are completely healthy and in a good state. If I was Isran I would let you out of this cell."

"Then, what are you waiting for? Go and notice Isran of my healthy state. I can't stand those shackles anymore. They are cutting my skin."

Alesan snapped at the priest who only chuckled in response. Perhaps he was too old to be so easily intimidated by some young, frustrated warrior.

"I will hurry. It was a pleasure to meet you, The Pulverizer."

"You too, priest..."


"Priest Dernir."

Dernir smiled and finally exited the cell. Alesan was getting nervous by every minuted that passed. The only way of counting time was listening to the drops falling into the water. The sound echoed through round cell and those shackles seemed to resonate. They were really heavy. Alesan's muscles felt like they were drenched. He was really looking foward to a warm bed. Even floor covered with filhty straw would have been better than this puddle of faeces.

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