5. Golden Hair and a Cat

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"This is crap! We should have waited for Isran and then go to Solitude! You could have returned to the Rift by now! What was Jarl thinking? Putting a Dawnguard warrior on a such disgraceful test! Removing your title which has nothing to do with her! And now making you a contestant of her stupid private game which is only for fun and nothing more!"

Blaise was angry. He was walking around the room given to Alesan. He will be sleeping in that room while he was a contestant.

"Calm down, Blaise! You are not thinking clearly."

"Oh, shut up with that crap of yours!"

He shouted and sat on the armchair next to the fireplace.

Blaise and Alesan were different like day and night. White and black. Sea and sky. Blaise was brave, honorful warrior, very talented in use of two-handed weapons and block. He was stronger than Alesan. But Alesan was smarter. Blaise wasn't dumb person, but he would alway rather chose charging in then sabotage. Alesan was always thinking before he would attack, he searched for the weak spots. He never spoke or done anything without thinking and seeing all other point of views. Tough, they were different, they were good friends. Always looked eachothers back. Friends since childhood. An idea of joining the Dawnguard was from Blaise. Alesan was then worried how will he get used to them. They wanted brave warriors like Blaise and not rogues and light footsteps like him. In the end, they became one of the elite warriors in Dawnguard. Alesan was the first one that was a bit uncommon. But that was the reason why archery and other fighting techniques begun to practicise.

"Did you found out who is my trainer? Or sponsour?"

"Not a clue."

"Isn't Hawkard Farron in Solitude? He was the part of Dawnguard for a long time. I heard he left after his wife died. He was serving Torygg."

"Yes. It was truly a tragedy what happend to him. But I heard he is already taken. He is training some kid, Helval Warfort."

"This sucks."

"Yes. It does."


Alesan was walking around the courtyard. He managed to get out of his room without guards noticing. He loved midnight walks. Scent of dragon tongues and nightshades relaxed him. Made him peaceful. Like it reminded him of something.

And while he was walking he was thinking about everything that happend last few days. He still had no idea who is going to be his trainer. He just got a message to show up tomorrow at 6 am in the training hall.

Suddenly, he bumped into a lady whose hair was gold like septims and rays of Sun.

"I am so sorry, Miss..."

He caught her before she could fall. She laughed and looked at him. Her eyes were tyrquise and playful.

"Lucrezia. Don't apologise. It's my fault."

"Lucrezia. Uncommon name for Skyrim. But don't get me wrong. It is beautiful."

"Thank you. And you are?"

Alesan widened his eyes and immediately bowed a bit.

"Oh, where are my manners? I am Alesan."

"I haven't seen you around here until now, Alesan. You seem like a new one here."

"That's correct. I arrived in Solitude today and it seems like I'm staying for a few weeks."

"Are you one of the nobles who picked fighters for that competition Jarl has set up?"

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