15. Vacant Melody

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Alesan stood there, in the middle of the pit. He was piercing almost every person in the audience with his cold gaze.

Finally, the competition was over. Well, at least the competitors were realeased. They returned to their rooms or places where they were staying.

Alesan didn't return to his room. He was sitting on the bench in Sybille's laboratory. No'El brought him there. He was still shivering. And desperatly trying to push away the memories.

"Will he be fine?"

No'El asked after he waved his hand in front of Alesan's eyes. The green eyes didn't follow it. They seemed like they were lost. Thousand miles away. That worried No'El.

"I'll take care of him. You may return to your duties. I am sure there's a lot of them."

No'El frowned at Sybille. She was obviously trying to make him go away, to leave her with Alesan. But why? Was he such disturbance?

"I can stay with him."

"Why? I have no use of you and he is in perfectly good hands, No'El. What's the problem?"

The Khajiit frowned even more. Bluish gaze was barely visible below those hairy black eyebrows. He crossed his arms over chest and raised his chin so he was now watching Sybille from the high.

"The problem is that you are acting strange and I want to know why. Remember, I will find out if you're hiding something."

On his surprise, Sybille didn't defend herself. She didn't try to act like she has no ide what he is talking about.

"Perhaps, you should pay more attention on who exactly are your enemies and who are your allies, No'El."

No'El grunted and took a step backward. He looked back at Alesan who was still floating in some outer space.

"I'll take my leave then."

He said and walked out of the door, closing them behind. Sybille returned to her alchemy lab and put some ingredients in bottle which she then gave to Alesan.


Nothing. He was still staring at the invisible dot on the wall. His mind was a blank page.

"Drink this."

Sybille somehow managed to get his attention on that potion. He looked the content of the bottle. From greenish liquid it started turning. It became darker and darker. Until it turned to dark ash colour.


The courtyard of castle Volkihar was almost shining under the cold Skyrim Sun. It was full of herbs. Deathbells, Nightshades, Canis Roots...There was even one shrub of Jazbay grapes which were extremly rare to find.

Clay Ashwind was sitting on the bench that was protected of the Sun by the big willow tree. He was reading a book. Judging by its covers it was about Daedric Lords, perhaps Molag Bal. Or was that about Wabbajack? Only Clay knew that.

"Clay Ashwind. Slacking as always."

The blonde-haired, almost white-haired, vampire heard a feminine voice that sounded sedductive just like the beauty of the vampire it belonged to.

"Lady Mina! What a pleasant surprise!"

He said and stand up so gracefully that even pracock would envy him. He tucked his light hair behind his ear and closed the book in one swift movement. Knowing Clay, it was probably Wabbajack.

Red-haired vampire slightly smiled, but didn't let it form perfectly. That saddened Clay. He always thought lady Mina was gorgeous when she smiled. Well, she was alway gorgeous. And beautiful. Every vampire knew that. And thought that.

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