13. Blaise's Story

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"We can't afford to lose him."

Cold words of Jarl Elisif echoed through the hall. She held a meeting which included only her housecarl, court wizard and one of the Thanes. And Blaise of course.

He clenched his jaw. Negotiating...no. Talking with Jarl Elisif was hard. Women...Those complicated beings.

"We won't lose him."

He said. Elisif sighed and shifted weight from one leg to another. Everyone in the room were already tired because it was late. The sleepy silence in palace was lurking them into a sleep.

"Is that so? He was dead for two days. Almost three."

"Yes, but he is alive now."

"Now is nothing. Future is important. How can you be so sure this won't happen again?"

Elisif was persistent. Blaise didn't like this situation. He was standing in front of her like some pawn. And he wasn't that. Maybe the rest of the people in the room were, but he wasn't.

"What are you suggesting then, my Jarl?"

He aksed trying to sound polite and cover up his annoyance and urge to be arrogant.

"Sybille is already taking care of him. Personaly. His health should not be a problem, but some things cannot be pervented. That's why it might be necessary to... get rid of some obstacles."

Blaise's eyes widened. He couldn't believe he was hearing that.

"What? You would really go on with killing competitors? You would really go that far?"

Blaise's voice raised up. It was already too late when he realised he disapproved Jarl's descision. He noticed how her housecarl was watching him. He probably has an axe prepared to cut his head off.

"Blaise. You are too old to act like this. How is possible to be so naive in your age?"

She mocked him. He stood like a stone.

"Experience means something."

"Whatever. If that will be necessary, we will do it. Everything is planned in foward. What did you expect, Blaise? That I will plan all of this by the way? Don't be a fool. I could feel the urge to send you back to Riften."

This talk went into wrong waters. Blaise just wanted to go to sleep. It was useless to argue with a person as powerful as Elisif.

"If that's all, my Jarl, if you let me, I would like to return to my duties."

"If you consider sleeping a duty. You may go, Blaise. And please, try to take care of Alesan's situation as much as it's possible. After all, you are a Dawnguard warrior. Dawnguard can do the impossible."

"I am glad you have such geneorous and noble view of Dawnguard. Now, please, excuse me."

He said and bowed. Elisif waved her hand giving him permission to leave and Blaise turned on his heel, after nodding slightly in greetings toward the rest of the noblemen in the room.

If Alesan was here, he would already be fighting with Elisif like dog and cat. Blaise couldn't determine if that was the right thing to do. To sabotage other competitors in the use for one. Not even if that was Alesan. It wasn't fair. Blaise felt sickness when he remembered the Jarl's title. Elisif the Fair. Tch.

But he couldn't push away that thought of satisfaction. That Alesan will surely win. It was secured for him to win. But does that mean that he is afraid his friend could lose the competition?

Right or wrong. Is there any difference at all?


Tonight was the second competiton. There were seven competitors. Two will be sent away. To death or to prison. Or who knows where. Blaise was worried about Alesan's state. His fingers were still not in great state even though he healed rather fast, almost miracoulously. However, Blaise was worried Alesan might fall into that kind of coma again.

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