32. Home

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The iron gates of castle Volkihar opened with a loud sound of hinges screaming. It was a familiar sound that awoke memories in Alesan. He stepped through the door and familiar odour filled his nostrils. Blood, human flash, nightshades and deathbells, the scent of dust and spiders. Home, sweet home.

Alesan was followed by Mina when he entered quarters of Lord. His quarters. He was happy to see that two chairs were still there in front of fireplace. That brought back the memories of him sitting here and drinking blood from the goblet and staring at his worst enemy, fire. The way it danced has enchanted him. How can something so beautiful be so deadly? Then he would go on dreaming of burning the entire Fort Dawnguard, killing an enemy with another enemy.

Alesan moved on and found himself in the quarters which were taken by Mina now. He looked around the room and saw how neat everything was. It was never like that when he used this room, after Sylvianne died, he lost every will to keep order of any kind. He was glad to see Mina wasn't the same.

"Your room is ready. You may rest there. I told servants to prepare you a meal and bath. I welcome you to castle Volkihar, father."

Mina said, leaing at the door. Alesan turned to face his daughter who was truly serious of him leaving this room. But this wasn't his intention.

"This is my room, Mina. I have returned, the Lord of this castle. And these are the quarters of Lord. You may use the room you mentioned, I will be fine with this."

He calmly said as if everything was clear and perfectly fine. However, it wasn't to Mina.

"But I am the Lady of this castle for five years."

"Yes, you were. However, I've seen that you are still not ready for a duty such as this. Not to mention that I was the Lord for longer time than you."

Alesan said and slowly started taking off his coat, making himself comfortable. There was a dress on his bed which he got rid off by pushing it to the floor. Mina didn't like what he was doing at all.

"You are wrong. Mother was a Lady before you."

"We were ruling together!"

"Then why can't we now?"

"You are inexperienced and still too young for this. I only wish to protect you, daughter."

"I was well protected for these five years thanks to the bonds I shared with the members of my court. I was respected and loved."

"And were you feared and obeyed?"

"One does not always have to rule and spread fear. These people were thankful to me and ready to do what I asked."

"Were they questioning your decisions?"

Alesan kept on pushing, not letting Mina defend herself properly. She realised where he was going with this story of his. She fell into another of his mind traps.


"And that is, my dear, where you have failed. Above everything, Lord needs people loyal to him, who are ready to die for him if he flinches a finger. This loyalty is gained by spreading fear among them, making them distrustful toward the others. Eventually, they only trust you, because they have to. This is how you achieve perfect order. Sadly, you are too weak for that."

"I will never rule that way!"

Mina almost spat this words like some kind of serpent. Alesan remained perfectly calm when he approached her and his hands on her shoulders.

"Then you will never rule. Leave me now, Mina. I need to rest. Ahead of us are plans and many things to do. Good night, my beloved daughter."

He turned on his heels and went closer to the bed. Mina stayed there for a moment or two and finally left.

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