8. Lady of Golden Blood

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It was 7 pm and Alesan still wasn't finished with training. He was now carring the barrels on the stairs. No'El was just standing there, leaning on the wall. He shouted a couple of times at Alesan to hurry up a bit.

When he finally said Alesan to stop, Alesan threw the barrel on the ground and ran over to the other one that was filled with water. He splashed it all over his face and drank it like it came from some of the gods' personal well. Perhaps from Kynareth. Or Mara.

Raven-haired man then sat on the ground. No'El was watching him, expresionless as always. Alesan had to admit that he hated that. That cat wasn't telling him anything. He still had no idea who chose him nor what's the point all of this. Not to mention that he hated how other competitors mocked him. They were already skilled with swords while he was just carring barrels around like some slave or servant.

"What's the point all of this? I really don't get it! You are not telling me who chose me! And you are making me carry this stuff around like some mule! What is your problem?"

Alesan got up and shouted at No'El. Nothing. No reaction. The cat was still emotionless, expressionless. He didn't even flinch at Alesan's shouting.

"What were they thinking? How could a cat be a good trainer? Morrons."

Still no reaction. Oh! Wait! The corners of Khajiit's mouth moved. No'El smirked. And then laughed. Alesan was angry so much that the thick and deep line formed between his black eyebrows.

"You are the one who is not capable for this training. You don't see the point because you are searching for it in wrong place. Well, I ask you, what is your problem? What do you think is your problem?"

Alesan clenched his jaw. He couldn't describe how much he wanted to punch that stupid cat and pull out his tail.

"What? No idea?"

No'El was still smirking. He provoked Alesan. Alesan desperatley fought the urge to attack No'El. He was shivering.

"Look at yourself. You are so possessed by the rage you barely can control it. So tell me, who is bigger animal now? I, the cat, or you, Nord?"

No'El asked. Alesan froze in the place and widened his eyes. Furiosity escaped from his face. He turned his gaze when he realised the truth in No'El's words.

"We are done for today. You did well."

Khajiit walked away and left Alesan standing there for the next five minutes.

Alesan was ashamed. No'El was younger than him and he showed as much more wiser. Alesan was blind like a cub. It was truly shameful. But deep inside he knew he should also feel grateful for No'El opening his eyes. But he didn't. He was just hurt and ashamed. And he wondered if he'll hate No'El now even more.

The golden Sun was slowly going to sleep as Alesan walked the hallways of the Blue Palace. He approached his room. The door knob snapped as he turned the key and unlocked it. His hands were all dirty and full of scobs from barrels. It wasn't a pleasant feeling but he was too fatigued to whine.

After taking a bath and spending 30 minutes on pulling out the prickles, he returned to his room. There was a note on the table. The paper was yellow and there was a message written with very neat handwritting.

Sir Alesan,

As you can see, it is a pretty night for the walk around Solitude. Please, let me have the honour to have you as my chaperone. I will be waiting for you in the main hall.

Most sincerful greetings,

Lady Lucrezia

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