16. Midnight Attack

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The night was calm. But there were some dark clouds above the Ghost Sea. Storm will come soon. But that didn't bother two vampires that were running through Solitude like shadows in the night.

Asturae and Hvedrung were given a mission. They had a target to find.


Sybille Stentor was just exiting her working room when she bumped into No'El who was clearly looking for her.

"Sir No'El? What are you doing here in this hours?"

She asked, surprised to see him.

"I already put away all the ingredients and potions. If it's not urgent, you'll have to wait for tomorrow."

She continued in cold, uninterested tone. No'El wasn't here for potions nor any those drugs.

"Who are you, Sybille?"


"There she is."

Asturae whispered and caught Hvedrung's attention. They were standing on the roof of Blue Palace and watching the main hall through the window.

Asturae pointed at two persons having a conversetion in the middle of the night. One wore blue mage robes and the other one was a Khajiit who had some unique, high-quality heavy armor.

"Do you think she will be willing to cooperate with us?"

"She'll have no choice."


Blaise was still wandering through the palace. He was just exiting the dining room where he ate some dinner and drank some mead. But still, he couldn't sleep. He was tired but he knew he will spend all night awake.

He stepped in front of the window, starring at the black night. Moon was covered with clouds. Storm is coming.

And that's when he noticed two unknown shadows moving outside the palace.


"What do you mean, No'El?"

"Don't even try."

He said and reached his hand to take off her hood. She grabbed it and pushed it away with a force no woman like her could have. Perhaps, not even a man. No'El took a step backwards and crossed arms over his chest. He was smirking now.

"So, it's true then. Of what I heard."

"I'll have to call guards if you don't leave me now."

She hissed. Her eyes shined of rage. Some mixture of red, orange even something like yellow and gold. Topaz and amber.

"You told me to pay more attention to who are my allies and my enemies. I see you as an ally. Now, tell me why?"

"I am no one's ally, Khajiit."

"Oh, you are definatley not that to the Dawnguard, vampire."

No'El said, completely calm. Sybille tried to resist the urge to rip him apart. People were right. That No'El's calmness was extremly irritating.

"Fine. Follow me."


Two vampires found a way toward Sybille's working room. They didn't enter the room. Sybille still had a company. They continued watching and listening to the conversation.

"Congratualtions, No'El. You are the first in almost hundred years who discovered me on his own."

"Skip this admiration."

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