22. Opposition

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"Did you give it to Alesan?"

No'El asked quietly as he stood behind Sybille. Her flaming eyes faced him.

"So, Asturae is dead."

She concluded, seeing that he knows everything now.


"Alesan will not win today. They are coming."

She calmly said. No'El just nodded. He was afraid, but at the same time, he knew this had to happen.

"Blaise and his companions will do anything for Alesan to win. They have to. That way they will clean his name and use him as their power gainer."

"We have a side player."

She said and smiled, looking at the golden-haired boy.


Alesan felt sudden rush of anger that woke him up and made him run like he never ever did in his life. Sooner than he thought, he was behind Helval.

The young elf noticed that and desperately tried to keep Alesan behind, but he was too slow and Alesan was like he got new senses. Nothing could pass by him without him noticing. He read out Helval's movements before the Altmer had time to do them.

"Damn you! You monster!"

The boy hissed when Alesan pushed him aside and passed him. The black-haired man didn't react, he just kept on running.

I will win. I must.


"Tonight, we attack."

Mina said and dug a dagger into the place on map where was Solitude. The raven has just arrived, signalising Asturae's death. Castle Volkihar was veiled with grief after the loss that powerful and respectful warrior. Mina's soul was full of sadness, but it was eaten by raging fire. Fire that could hurt everything.

"Are you sure, Lady Mina?"

Lopt asked. Mina knew he is just advising her. After all, she was still very young and inexperienced leader of Volkihar castle. She had her mother's charm and wittiness, but her father's determination, cruelty and fire.

"I was never so sure in my lifetime as I am now."

"Shall I take your message to the court?"

"No. That is my duty."

She said coldly and finally turned to face Lopt who couldn't help himself but smile. He let himself slid out of that professional and cold duty of Mina's Right Hand. He approached her and put hands on her shoulders.

"Your mother would be proud as much as I am. Watching you grow up and to finally see this moment where you truly become a great leader of this clan...Something I will hold dearly for whole eternity."

Mina smiled back at him and hugged him. Indeed, Lopt became to her like her father after her real one was gone. Everything she is now she could only thank him for it. Her parents' lives were deatroyed and seemed so unknown and disrant. However, if she had a chance to bring them back, she wouldn't hesitate. Am I selfish? She often asked that herself. But no matter what was the answer, she knew she would always decide to bring them back. 


Alesan was the first to come to the goal with Helval right behind him. They both managed to see how one of the contestants was shot by an arrow in the head. He was on the last position.

The horn signalised the beginning of the second part. However, none of the competitors knew what will happen and what should they do.

Eventually, guards pushed them toward their mentors, so Alesan found himself face to face with No'El who was whispering something with Sybille.

"We have to pull him out of the competition. He will be dead as soon as single vampire steps in Solitude."

Khajiit hissed at court wizard who shook her head, covering her shiney eyes with hood.

"We can't. If we do this now, he will be dead before that. He has to finish the competition. As I said, they have someone in who will take care of this."


"You think they would told me?!"

"Then at least tell me exactly who is they?"

They almost started shouting now, so Alesan interrupted them.

"What's going on?"

Both of them looked at him and then back at eachother, not knowing what to say. Eventually, No'El pushed him aside and sat with him.

"How do you feel?"

Khajiit asked. Alesan shrugged, feeling still very powerful, but not enough. It was a strange feeling. Like he was incomplete.

"Fine, I guess. But I don't know what's expecting me."

"Me neither. They obviously didn't share this information with us."

"Whatever it is, I will win. You can count on that."

Alesan said and slightly smiled, but No'El didn't follow his reaction. That confused Alesan so he slightly frowned.

"You don't think I can do it?"

He asked No'El, catching his attention. Blue-eyed Khajiit sighed.

"No. Just the opposite. Alesan, if you win, you will lose...you will lose your freedom."

Alesan got up and was frowning now deeply, not understanding No'El's point. After all this trainings and effort, he is expecting him ti give in?!

"What are you talking about!? I will be dead if I don't win!"

"No, Alesan. You will be dead if you win."

No'El got up now and faced Alesan equaly stern even though he was shorter than raven-haired man.

"Don't you understand? There is no going back now. Alesan Bladestorm is dead. For 5 years as it is told to you. Who do you think lived for this years? Is he a dead man?"

"I was a beast! A monster! I wasn't a person!"

"That is what they told you!"

"I don't want to listen anymore!"

"Oh, but you will! Who are you, Alesan?"

At that moment, their fight was interrupted by guard who came to lead Alesan to the second part of competition.

Before they parted, Alesan looked once again at No'El.


The bloody rays of Sun painted the sky. The time was dripping and the end was drawing near.

Mina felt it in her bones, the aura from distance. Strong aura that was weaker than ever, but it was still there. Calling her, desperately.

She knew what was her duty, and suddenly all of the past monstrosities were forgotten. Burried by the wind who carried tainted dust.

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