4. New Life

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Alesan was nervously walking around in the hall of The Blue Palace. The court wizard was annoyed by his loud footsteps. Sybille sighed loudly and lowered her book on the desk.

"Will you stop, please?"

Alesan winced and immediately looked at her. Her golden eyes pierced him. He felt awkward aura around her. Well, all kinds of wizards were odd to him. He was never really a magic type. He only knew some basics of destruction and restoration spells. Maybe a bit of alternation and conjuration.

"I'm sorry, ma'am."


"Excuse me?"

"Sybille Stentor."

"Oh, sorry. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss Stentor."

"And you are?"

"Alesan Bladestorm."

Her expression changed from curiosity to something similar to surprise or perhaps even shock. Or maybe hate or fear. Alesan couldn't determine. He only knew it was something very strange.

"Pleasure is mine, sir Bladestorm."

She simply said, took the book and started reading again.

"You are a court wizard here, right?"

"That is true."

She answered still not looking away from the book. Alesan continued bothering her. He mostly wanted to occupy his mind with something else than waiting the Jarl's judgment.

"How long have you've been the court wizard?"

"Twenty years or more. I had a hand in raising Torygg, the High King who was murdered by selfish ignorant from Windhelm who wants to claim the Throne."

"You look very young."

"I like to think that I've aged well. I'm certainly wiser than I once was. And I know when one should speak...And when one should hold their tongue."

Alesan gulped. She didn't scare him. She silenced him. So he gave up on talking with her.

Luckily, Blaise showed up in a few minutes and told him to follow him to the Jarl Elisif. She was now Jarl of the Solitude and should be the future High Queen. The Moot hasn't been held yet so currently Skyrim has no High King. Half of the people are for the rebellion led by Ulfric Stormcloak, and half of them are supporting the Empire and General Tullius.

Alesan followed Blaise. He soon found himself in front of Elisif, bowed and knelt, until she gave him a sign to get up.

"Your Eminence."

"Sir Alesan Bladestorm. You are quite a name around here. It's amazing what you have done and survived."

"Thank you, my Jarl."

"However, your history is full of crimes against Skyrim and her people. What do you say in your defense?"

"My Jarl, I cannot show how much regret I feel for what I have done. It's even worse when I think how I was not able to control my actions. But the worst or maybe the best part is that I don't remember anything. Only thing that's left is to hear your justified judgment and my life to serve you."

He answered. Those were the words he spoke in his head a million times before he was taken to Elisif. Even Blaise was surprised how truthful they were.

"I see. However, I cannot trust your words no matter how truthful and sincere they sound. I have to test you. It is told to me that your vampirism is cured and your soul is purified. Sybille will test that."

Skyrim: Fall of the DawnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora