29. Resurrection

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The years passed since Alesan was lost. Nobody from Dawnguard knew what happened to him. He didn't even bother to know what is going on with Dawnguard, with his friend Blaise. He was a fool like everyone else. Thinking only about burning hate and honour.

Blaise felt a sharp sting in his heart whenever he saw letter A. He stopped drinking ale. Deep in his heart he couldn't accept Alesan being dead. He hoped one day to attack castle Volkihar and find him bravely fighting against the monsters that took him away.

He couldn't even imagine his best friend has become a vampire. Even worse, he liked being a monster.

Aurora Borealis wore blue curtains today, above their heads. Alesan and Sylvianne looked at its dance across the stars. Alesan thought how he never noticed how beautiful this can be. Are his senses sharper? Or does he like this life so much better that he learned how to enjoy it?

Nevertheless, he felt something. He wasn't a heartless being as it was believed for vampires to be. In fact, he never felt so much in his life. Here, beside him stood a woman, his saviour and lover. His loyalty to her wasn't measurable.

Sylvianne's silver hair had a blusih haze tonight, a reflection of the sky. Her eyes were warm, warm colour of amber wrapped them.

"Shall we race to Rorikstead?"

She challenged him. Sylvianne surprised him more day after day. One wouldn't expect such wild yet fun behavior of a lady of castle. He adored that about her, seeming like alive even though she was undead.

They were hunting that night. Collecting food, people to be turned into vampire cattle. Roads toward small villages were always fruitful. Not to mention that Rorikstead had a tradition to worship Daedric lords so that their fields always remained fertile. They will give them their offerings.


Mina wasn't an ordinary vampire. She was the first born vampire. Everyone else were created by Molag Bal's ritual. However, she was a descendant of pure-blood vampires, no filth was in her blood. Yet some of the vampires didn't believe it. Luckily, under Sylvianne's rule those were only mere whisperes which ended up with a cut tongue.

Mina grew very fast. For what one human child would need 10 years, she needed one. So by the end of her first year of life, she was already smart and skillful child. Sylvianne thought here everything she knew of alchemy and enchanting. They even brought a mage from College of Winterhold to teach her. She learned all she could of magicka by the end of her third summer. Father thought her to wield a sword like no vampire before. Indeed, she was very good, a natural talent. She was too good, even rumours disappeared under her enchantment. Such wonder, bright nature was unfamiliar to vampire kind, but they liked it. Evil was slowly replaced by good when Mina was around to melt their hearts. But there was always this fearsome tingling in the air around her, promising to one day become a great ruler of castle.

The luck didn't last long.

Dawnguard found out very soon about the clan of vampires getting stronger every day. They reinforced and started attacking them frequently.

Sylvianne and Alesan spent a lot of hours figuring out the strategy and Dawnguard's next move together with their faithful steward, Lopt and his brother Hvedrung who was a general of small, but strong army of Volkihar castle vampires.

As a consequence, Mina was often alone, spending time in the garden, learning alchemy, reading books and searching the secret passages of castle. Her friend, Idun Dark-Sea was a company to her along with a boy Clay who often annoyed her. Of course, she would never admit she liked him a bit.

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