3. Solitude

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It seemed like everything changed, and yet nothing changed. His eyes were green, but they seemed like they were wrong colour. Or at least wrong shade. His hair was shorter then ever, but he could still see his raven black hair. It will grow in time. His skin was pale as always, but it seemed paler. He was always slim, but now he was bone and skin. He must have lost at least twenty kilos.

He was dirty. Covered with dirt and mud. And blood. He had to wash himself. He could even smell an unpleasant smell coming from him. Piss, sweat and dirt. Disgusting. He doesn't even want to know what was he like when they found him and healed him.

Alesan approached the bathub and let the water fill the marble pool. As soon as he stepped in, he saw how the pure water changed colour into greyish shade. Seems he'll have to spend two hours cleaning himself.

The hot water was like heaven to him. It soothed him and let him relax. It was good to be...alive.

When he was finished, he could see beautiful Aurora Borealis between the thousands of stars. The colours were changing from green to pink. Sometimes even blue. Beautiful. The sight of those lights always amazed him. Some of the people believed those were gods, dancing in the sky. Some of them simply said that those were reflections of ice in the sky.

His hair was already dry. He couldn't take it anymore. He threw himself on the bed and fell asleep immediately.


A loud knock on the door woke up Alesan. He opened and closed his eyes hoping the annoying person whoever was banging on his door will go away. He was wrong. Loud knock was repeated. This time even louder and more aggressive.

"Enter, you god damn moron!"

Alesan tried to shout, but end up only grunting. Luckily, the person heard him and entered, letting the door let that annoying sound.

"Good morning to you too."

Blaise said. Alesan sighed, still not wanting to get up. He could imagine Blaise's expression when he was losing patience.

"You haven't changed at all. You are still lazy ass."

Alesan heard his loud footsteps that echoed on black marble. He knew what was coming next.

He hissed when rays of sun enlighted his closed eyes. Suddenly the black became red.


Blaise shouted. Only to earn a pillow thrown in the face by Alesan. But the raven-haired man got up and stretched himself.

"We are heading for Solitude in twenty minutes. You better hurry up."

"Yeah, yeah. As you say, boss."

Alesan said with a lazy voice as he went to the bathroom to wash his face. Blaise threw a pile of clothes on him. Alesan caught it. Those were a fine clothes, green colour, matching his eyes.

"Put that on and meet me in the main hall."

Blaise said and left Alesan alone in his room. Alesan done as he was told and went into the main hall. Blaise was waiting for him there with armored dog. Alesan immediatley recgonised that wasn't Bran. Sadness crept into his heart when he remembered his loyal friend Sceolang. Maybe he is still alive. But somehow, Alesan was sure the dog was now chasing cats and vampires in Sovngarde.

"Alesan! Right on time. Meet Ymir!"

Ymir waved his tail. The name suited him, he was very tall and big dog. His fur was lighter than Bran's and brown. But he was much more perky. Alesan guessed he was still trained.

"What happend with Bran and Sceolang?"

Alesan asked when he petted Ymir who was letting out funny sounds.

Alesan noticed sadness in Blaise's ocean blue eyes.

"They are both dead. They died with heroic deaths. Unfortunatley, too soon. Isran will probably send you a new dog after he returns. We will be in Solitude by then. You can give him name."

"What? That's Isran's new bonus?"

"Maybe. Com'on, we don't have time to waste. We have to be in Solitude before sunset."

Blaise whistled. Ymir reacted to that and followed his master.

Two horses were standing ready, in front of the entrance to the fort. Those were also not the same horses they rode five years ago. Blaise jumped on white one. The light brown, beige was for Alesan obviously.

"That's Frost. She's a fine mare."

Blaised said the name of Alesan's horse. He petted the mare. Truly, she was beautiful.

Ymir barked. Blaise looked at him and smiled.

"Sorry, buddy. You'll have to run."

Ymir barked one more time. In sign of protest. That dog was really spirited.

"Oh, don't start! You should train your fat ass!"

They headed to the Riften where carriage awaited for them. Ymir was panting and was happy to lay down and rest a bit.

The journey to Solitude was very long and exhausting even if they were travelling by carriage. They were happy to see walls of the big city, coloured by the rays of setting Sun.

Alesan looked the glory of this city in awe. It always succeed to amaze him. He was only two or three times in that city.

"Blaise, you haven't told me why are we here."

Alesan said. Blaise coughed and petted Ymir who was still sleeping.

"Well, you were a criminal for five years. The court must discuss your faith. We've done everything we could, including asking for Thieves Guild's help. You should be perfectly safe."

Alesan remained silent for a few moments. He frowned.

"That is not fair. I don't remember my crimes. But what if I have done a thousands of monstrosities? What if I deserve to be imprisoned? What if I deserve death?"

"Don't say that, Alesan. You do not deserve that. You just said you don't remember your doings. The King's court knows about your condition. You will not be imprisoned nor killed. I promise you will have your vengeance."

Vengeance? Alesan haven't even thought of vengeance. He didn't know who should he blame for what was done to him. Therefore, he didn't had that zeal for revenge. But he wanted to know who did this to him. And he wanted to break his neck. So that nothing like that happens again.

The big doors opened. The white stone was reflecting the orange light. Alesan, Blaise and Ymir were heading to The Blue Palace.

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