21. Solved Mysteries

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No'El was walking through the dungeons below the Blue Palace. Once, it was occupied by drunk guards, and now it is full of Dawnguard warriors.

Fortunately, he knew some secondary passages which weren't frequently used so he easly slipped in without any warrior noticing him.

Now came the harder part: finding Asturae Blood-Fang. He concluded that she was probably held in the most secure cell. He was also aware that he might won't be able to get even near her.

Soon, foul smell of rotten flesh and blood filled his nostrils. He knew he was close to Asturae's cell when he saw four guards standing in front of heavy iron door.

He glanced behind the wall, not letting them notice him. Khajiit's blue eyes looked for the way inside. It seemed there wasn't any, but he very soon noticed an opening for air. It was placed high, close to ceiling. He will have to climb.

Luckly, he had claws and natural genes for climbing. No'El jumped on the wall and slowly made his way toward the cell. He was sneaking, trying to be as quiet as possible. It was to that point that he wasn't even breathing. However, none of the guards decided to look up so they didn't see a climbing cat above them.

No'El finally reached the opening and looked through it only to see a dark and round cell. In the middle was placed Asturae, her body hanging on wooden cross. He could only hope she was still alive.

Khajiit jumped down, landing quietly. Asturae didn't move even though she heard him. No'El slowly started approaching her. He suddenly stopped when he heard her crooked laugh, an eerie sound that rattled his bones even though he tried to hide that.

"I cannot harm you, cat! Thanks to you, I am in this state..."

She whispered, her voice completely lost. No'El knew he was to blame. But when she raised her golden eyes he didn't saw rage nor hate in them. As if she wasn't an animal. But...were vampires really animals?

"I cannot promise I will get you out, but I will try to."

He said. Asturae shook her head.


She said. No'El was confused.

"You are here to gain information. I will tell you everything if you promise to kill me afterwards. The Dawnguard will never let me go and I am already too weak to recover. My life is lost, but I pledged my life to Lady of Volkihar castle that I will serve until I turn to ash."

No'El saw the point in her words. He knew he won't be able to release her or help her get out. However, he didn't expect from her to beg him to kill her.

"Fine, I promise I will end your life and set you free from suffering."

"Hah! Didn't you listen? I don't care about my life anymore! Everything is left on you and Sybille now."

"I understand, but I need to understand what is going on. Please, tell me."

"My mission was to get any information from Sybille considering Alesan."

What? What is going on with Alesan? This all confused No'El. He frowned, looking at Asturae's tired form.


"Lady of castle Volkihar ordered me."

"Who is she?"

"Mina Darkash, daughter of Sylvianne Darkash, or as you called her, the Silver Witch."

No'El's eyes widened when Asturae mentioned the world's once most powerful and fearsome vampire.

"But...how? Silver Witch's entire family was killed after her death. There is no living successor."

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